chapter one

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She would roam around her school halls wearing a new dress with no one ever noticing her. She would sometimes pull a hoodie down her face to cover her dark eyes but no one ever cared. She would put on a new lipstick popular kids use but no one ever stole a glance.

The only compliments she got were the ones she heard from her mother when she got good grades and she would take her out to a new restaurant to celebrate her genius.

Katie stood undressed in front of her dressing table mirror. She saw an obese nobody. That nobody would always stare back with a disgusted face.

That day though, she realized her reflection seemed sadder than usual. Her eye bags from her most late nights studying seemed darker than other days. Her belly seemed to stretch wider than the last time she looked. Her tighs felt heavier than she could remember.

Maybe the new guy at school that helped her pick her books today wasn't smiling at her the way she thought. He was probably suppressing his laugh at her hideous body.

She did notice his face did crumple once he looked at her face, maybe that was because her face had puffed up more than she thought.

Katie sighed. Not that she regretted that dinner for two she reserved for herself last night and made sure to max out her digestive system but sometimes she wished she would stop doing this to herself. "Why can't I change?", she whispered.

"Kate sweetie come down for dinner will you?", she heard her mom call from downstairs. For once she wasn't even tempted to run down the stairs. She just stood there surprised by the growing image in front of her. 17 year olds were not supposed to look like this, her little brother made sure to let her know that. Not that he had to say it actually, she already was suffering enough by the bodies of skinny teenagers her age passing by her looking nice in whatever they wore. She wanted that to be her.

By the time her mother noticed she took longer than usual to join them, Katie was already under her covers praying for a better life with her eyes shut.



"Yo pass the ball!"

Josh threw the basketball harder than he meant to. The ball went flying out of his hands to smack onto Cameroon's built chest sending the light skin to almost fly back to Ethiopia.

"What the heck man?"

Josh suddenly realized what happened. He was lost in his thoughts again this week and almost did some damage on his friend. "Hey sorry bro, you okay?", he took a step closer to the end of the court.

"Asides from broken ribs and the broken heart from betrayal, am cool"

Yap, he was definitely okay.

"Drama queen"

"Snap out of it man. I get it, new school and a new mom but you gotta stay focused if you wanna join a basketball team again."

The two were practicing their dribbles and passing at Cameroon's indoor basket ball court. One of the few things Josh was grateful for in his life was his friendship with Cameroon. No matter what kind of trouble they always got to, they always came out stronger. "And thank god for his filthy money", Josh would say but Cameroon knew Josh wasn't friends with him for the advantage of his wealth. What they had was true brotherhood.

"I don't know dude" Josh scratched his head. "I feel like I am missing something"

"Don't bother scratching your head, there is no brain there. That is what's missing"

"Very funny. I am not even gonna bother mentioning how I didn't judge you when you took time to buy condoms when you clearly have no use for one."

The only reply he got was a head smack from Cameroon. "You haven't told me how your first week was by the way" Cameroon said while wiping the sweat pouring down his face with the tips of his jersey exposing his built body.

Josh scratched his head seeming to replay the scenes throughout his time at Fran High. Everyone seemed to be.. Grouped. He remembered how the cheerleaders didn't speak to anyone but the guys they cheered for, how the guys didn't bother looking at the emo guys who always stood at the corner of the entrance, how the geeks always sat together and never looked up at anyone, how the friendly girls only cheered up when they are not the one making the first move and how this girl... There was one girl he noticed didn't even bother joining everyone else. He saw something darker than her eye bags in her eyes. He couldn't put a finger on it though.

"Its different"

"I need more details than that"

"You know how at Grepper high we always took care of each other?"


"They don't do that here. Heck I don't even think they got their friends backs either"

"Well you know what they say, no school can be like Grepper. Don't you remember how girls we met at parties looked at us when we told them our schools ways?"

"Yeah but honestly.. I don't think it would be like this. It is like every man for himself"

"Every man is for himself at end" Cameroon rolled his eyes.

"At the end maybe. But I don't think things should be like this right now. I don't think it should be like that at all but if it has to come to it they still have to look out for others"

"I'm guessing ain't nobody gonna find their Adam or Eve at that place?"

"Yep. Not even a chance"

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