Chapter Eleven

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"You stood me up"

"I am glad I am back too" Josh moved from the diner he was up against and pushed the hoodie covering his face back. What he was doing a block away from school, towards the way she always uses to get to school with the rain slightly dripping down, she didn't even want to know.

"I waited days for you" she stated, masking the feelings rushing throughout her entire body. Her rain droplet covered lips started to shake.

"I am sorry. Something came up" he breathed and his eyes faltered to the ground. His thick eyelashes held droplets of water.

"I was worried about you idiot" Katie moved in front of him to be close enough she could feel his cold breath on her. Shakily, she put her arm up to hold the side of his shirt afraid he would leave again. " I saw your car in the parking lot. I thought you just didn't want to be around me. Then I stare at the door at Geography period, I .. I would.. Josh I thought you left me" Katie stuttered. Words couldn't describe what she was feeling, her heart was hammering and she felt the urge to squeeze him reassuring her he was indeed in front of her.

"I couldn't have ever left you. I wouldn't" he pulled his hand to move hair strands attached to her face because of the silent rain and cupped her cheek and the other hand came up to rest on her shoulder. " I missed you" he confessed looking into her eyes.

Katie's heart started hammering and she felt her lungs gasp for air. She had been wondering if he even remembered her wherever he was at yet hearing him admit not, her knees started to buckle.

"Where were you?"

Josh's eyes still looking through hers seemed to be lost by that question. And unlike the way she liked, not deep in her eyes. No, they strayed far away following an invisible light of misery. She saw the dark clouds dimming his life but it disappeared only revealing itself for a split second and Josh smiled at her. His smile was convincing, she had to give him that, it even reached his eyes. But it didn't hold the essence it normally had. It was... Different.

"Around. Playing hockey I guess", his hand still on her shoulder but the other falling back to his side.

"You were ditching school?" Katie asked not believing him the least bit and her arm falling to her side as well.

"Hey, I am a teenager. I have mood swings. I like my space from some stuff you know" he started walking with her by his side.



"Never mind" she breathed after contemplating if she should ask him or not. Deciding she won't, she pulled up her arm to put by his waist. She just wanted to enjoy his company. Whilst he was gone, she figured out what the feeling that rushed through her was when he was around.

When he talked to her the first time, when he made her blush in class, every time he made her laugh... Something tickled her insides. It wasn't just joy, it wasn't just gratitude either. It was fear the moment wouldn't last.

So instead of bothering him with meaningless words, she decided she should just grab a hold of him and make sure to fill her heart with the warmth oozing from him for the moment.



He had been waiting for Katie by the cold road for a couple of minutes before she finally showed up.

He had slept over at his dad's hospital room and didn't get much rest but all was worth it. He cried on his dads shoulders for the first time in years and talked heart to heart with the man for the first time in forever. He got a clear apology but he didn't care, he just wanted his father to get well soon and be close to him like they were when he was a kid.

He didn't sleep the whole night and his dad offered to stay together the whole day but Josh had other mends to fix. The relationship with his dad wasn't the only thing he was ruining.

"How was school without me?" Josh smiled looking not so down at Katie. He was surprised she wasn't that short from him since he was pretty tall.

"Miserable" she pouted her lips. Josh was tempted to pinch her lips but she would found it weird he thought. It was already weird for him that he only gets odd thoughts like these whilst he was with her. He would normally have urges to kiss among other things, not to also mock and enjoy their company.

"Oh yeah? How come?"

"I know I survived years without you but I think I am growing to you being beside me. Plus there is these loser Chad, he actually tries to talk to me now after seeing me.. " Katie blushes and looks at the ground. Josh frowns.

"What did he see?"

"Nothing I was just happy with you and anyway he must've seen me laugh with you, he thinks I'm some happy virus or something. So he tries to get me to hang out with him after years of never noticing me"

Josh slowly puts his hand away from her and into his jeans pockets. He wasn't happy with the thought of her hanging out with any other guy than him. They will play with her.. They will leave her used or heartbroken.

He muttered a "I noticed you" so quietly Katie surely hadn't heard him. She looked up to see his disappointed face though and furrowed her eyebrows.

"What's wrong?" Katie eyes him.

"Nun" Josh shruged off and kept his slow pace. "Did you hang out with him?"

"Who? Chad? God no, he is so full of himself it almost reeks. Josh I have to say something to you", she suddenly stops and holds his arm back putting him to a stop as well.

Worried, he glances at her and asks "You okay?"

Katie's ears turn tomato red and she looks down at the ground for the second time. As much as Josh thought it was sweet, he wondered what could get her this flustered. He almost touched her cheeks and bought her face upwards to look at him eye to eye.

"So when you disappeared, I was about to tell you something. I mean wait, we are friends right?", she looks straight at him now.

Josh opens his mouth to answer but he didn't want to say the words that came fist to him. Yes. He wanted to ask her if they could be more.. But no, that is probably too much to ask.

"Of course"

"Umm great. I thought so. I mean.. that is what I wanted to hear. Well anyways, when you disappeared.. I uh was in my way to thank you for being a great one. We haven't hung out much and it hasn't been long and all but I want you to know I am grateful for you. You are different. You treat me unlike no other" katie breathes out and tugs a hair strand behind her hair. She looked like she lifted a huge weight off her back.

Josh looks at her, amazed by her honesty and couldn't help curve his lips. He scratches his messy hair and pulls her closer to him dragging the scent of her, honey and chocolate chips, into his nose. He held her closer to his chest, her hands circling his waist , and narrowed his shoulders to rest his head upon hers.

"You really are something else Kaitlyn Flemming" Josh murmurs into her wild red forest and smiles amazed by how she could affect him in no way he has been before.

"No one calls me that", she pushed him with her elbows and smiled making Josh's lips follow her actions as well.

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