Chapter Sixteen

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She stood staring at her phone waiting for it to ring. She didn't wanna be the ice breaker for the months of not talking with him.

She sighed out loud and pushed her cell phone inside her locker after setting  it on silent. He hasn't called her so why should she? Changing her mind she locked it and turned around to the busy hallway.


Katie eyed the figure pinning down on her locker and rolled her eyes. "Don't you have something to do?"

"Like getting my freak on with you?"

"God you disgust me"

"So do you baby", he said and licked his lips. "I see your mickey isn't with you"

"What?", she stared in confusion.

"Minie, Micky... Uggh never mind. So remember last time we got interrupted while we were on our session?", he said and imaginary swept his not there ashy hair.

"Beat it"


"I am serious. I don't know what you are planning but I dont like it"

"Baby if we are gonna roam the world together you gotta let your trust fall on me"

"What is your problem?", Katie looked at him suspiciously and crossed her arms. He was starting to get on her nerves.

"I just wanna spend time with you", he looked down suddenly all bussiness. He scared her for someone saying nice words.

"Why?", she honestly confused asked.

"Why wouldn't I wanna spend time with a pretty girl?", he asked as if the question itself was stupid.

Katie sighed loud and silently thought of her options. 20 minutes standing in the hallway letting her thoughts eat her from the inside or walking to a trap set by some random jerk jock?

"I'm right behind you"



"So we are playing hockey together right?"

"Yap. We need some chill time, it bores me out of mind that I have to kiss up to my teachers all over again. Transfering as a senior sucks man"

Cameron smircked and eyed his rearview mirror and pulled up infront of starbucks. "Can't believe I actually tried to convince you things would work out. As if they would let you transfer in the middle of the year"

"Yeah well, I'm over it. I still get to see you guys" Josh sighed.

"And smoke our day on Fridays", Cameron winked.

"Its Wednesday. Too soon to think about it"

"Whatever", he paused while opening his side of the door and muttered "poop, I forgot to call Luke"

Josh rolled his eyes and left his seat, locked the door and rested his hand upon the cars head to look over to his friend. "See him Friday?", he offered.

"Yeah but we needed him. Plus this weeks party is over at his house and I was in charge of the drinks", he pulled his hands over his head.

"What? You were gonna give him the keys to the liquor store?" Josh asked referring to the bar under his buddy's mansion.

"No I literally have a dozen boxs in my car and we are so doomed if we get pulled over"

"Relax. Ditching school ain't something to get us checked. Let us get in now shall we?"

"Fineee" he whined and followed Josh. Josh held the door for both of them and remembered a question he wanted to ask.

"So what if I bring a new chick to our club? Like do you think the rest would mind seeing a new face on our Friday mornings hangout?"

"Why would you want another one of them?" Cameron scoffed and shivered referring to girls.

"It is just a new close friend I have now at Fran and she is pretty cool I guess. I mean I am gonna see her everyday, might as well let you guys evaluate her" he slowly walked behind Cameron.

"Hold up. Stop right there" he yelled and paused him. Cameron suddenly squinted his eyes and looked Josh from head to toe. "Why you not ever mentioned her before? And should I be worried that you've never spoken about this mysterious 'friend'?"

"Get over it Cam. You never asked so why should I bother blabbling about Katie?"

"Then why are you nervous we will reject this Katie?"

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me", Cameron dead panned and stared straight through him.

Josh slowly took a seat and muttered a 'jerk'. "I'm more worried she will run away from you guys. Look forget it. She is the shy type so I will just bring her to the party and please for once just stay gentleman-ish will you?"

Without giving a reply Cameron devilishly smirked and turned towards the bathroom.

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