Chapter six

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Fridays were Katie's least favorite day of the week. She would always remorse herself for being the way she is and wallow in her sorrow for not ever having the chance to get invited in her classmates parties.

Not that she would tell to anyone but she cried in her mothers arms much more Fridays than she was proud of. The only hugs she got were from the beloved woman who gave birth to her and half of those were to motivate her to stop pitying herself and keep up with life the way it was. "The best is yet to come", her mother would always say.

This week being the second week of her 11th grade class, she started feeling the dread of returning to school soon as she opened her eyes. She wasn't even wide awake and yet she already felt the dire feeling in her guts screaming at her to not bother lift her head from her pillow.

What was the point going anyway? Everyone laughed among each other and smiled the whole day anticipating whatever party they were gonna throw that evening. Not like she would alone have someone to be all excited on her or have a friend to pity themselves with for not being able to attend... Except wait, she did have a friend now right?

What was Josh to her? He was obviously not a friend that was going to sympathize with for not getting invited along with her but was he enough of a companion to tell her how excited he was and what parties were like?

Recalling Josh, Katie brought herself up from her sleeping position and took a comfortable sitting position in her not so small creaking bed. He was the closest thing to an ally she got since junior high. That was when everyone turned opinionated and cared about appearances among everything else.
Why wasn't Josh like that though, she began to think.

Right then her door opened and her mother dressed in her scrubs came rubbing her hands. "Okay so I don't have much time, come bring it in fast" Mrs. Flemming said with open arms. Her hands instantly fell and a dazed look took over her face.

"What is wrong?", she demanded.

"Huh?" Katie stares back confused.

"Why are you not crying flat faced into your pillows or staring to the ceiling with an empty look over your face?"

"Wow mom, how sweet. If I didn't know better I would say you enjoy seeing me like that" Katie grinned and yawned sleepily.

"Did you just mock me? Katie don't you dare for a minute assume I would be delighted for something as heartbreaking as that, don't ever say that again. Now speak up, are you okay?"

Katie thought she never saw her mother that worried and angry at the same time. What was her problem?

"Mom I feel perfectly fine. I don't want to go, I admit and yes I am very sleepy but I see no point in crying. Really"

Savana Flemming only stared back with an open jaw not believing her daughter transformation. Katie could tell she had grown to their Friday mornings emotional embraces and her motherly like counseling.

"Can I still get a hug though?" Katie asked with a warm smile still sitting with her leg dangling from her bed and the rest of her body enjoying the warmth from her slept on beddings.

Savana teary eyed run to her daughter, fell down to her knees and shared a long warm hug with the girl who lit up her life. It was almost as if she was welcoming the new upgraded strong Katie, the one who had enough being bothered by people's opinions. Almost.

Katie held her moms petite body and thought very gratefully of her mother. Not much people have a bond as strong as theirs, she was well aware if that. And never had she took it for granted.

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