Chapter Fifteen

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"If you were a bird, who would you poop on?" Katie asked reading one of the sticky notes sprawled all over her room. Blue ones were questions like these, yellow ones were SAT words she had been studying to remember and pink ones were for songs she needed to download.

Josh audibly hummed and replied "Cameroon"

"Who?" Katie turned to look onto her friend.

"Just this crazy guy I call my brother" Josh said smiling. He seemed to think for a minute before excitedly saying "You should meet him"

"Excuse me?", she looked up.

"Well we are officially friends. Its about time you meet my clique"

"From your old school?"

"Yeah. Now that your one of the people that matter to me you should meet the rest of your kind" Josh said smiling making Katie blush and look down at her feet. They were at her room once again and this time she changed her shoes into her polar bear feet warmers. She felt goofy.. But frankly, she loved her childish properties more than she cared what Josh would think.

"I don't know"

"Think about it. They are funny, a bit inappropriate but sweet and they can make you feel comfortable instantly. Just don't accept anything they give you to eat or use"

"Do I even wanna know why?"

"Believe me you don't"

"We will see"

"Well just think about it. Because we are hanging out at this weekend and I would like it if you came with me"

Katie smiled. She was glad to hear Josh wanted her there. It meant she mattered. It meant he wasn't embarrassed to be seen with her. That made her feel like eternal sunshine does exist. She felt like she could die and she would still sore through the bright sunny clouds.

"I will let you know"

"Where are your parents by the way?" Josh asked, his hands fumbling through a Lego set he found.

"My mom is usually working at the hospital and my dad is.. is not around" Katie admitted. She never had anyone to tell that story too. It felt.. weird now that she has someone to confess too after wishing for one for years.

"Oh" Josh looked sad and looked up at her. "Like currently not living here around or..?"

Katie only nodded her head avoiding his wandering eyes. Was he pitying her?


"You are pretty well off though. Your mother must be a kickass independent woman" Josh said and went on with his Lego.

"I guess so. She is barely around though" Katie sighed.

"Hmm wish I could say the same"Josh muttered indistinctly she wasn't even sure if she was supposed to hear.

"And your brother? He normally wrecks havoc like that?"


He didn't normally enjoy small talks. And he wasn't sure if he did even then but he was curious.

"Believe me he behaved in front of you"

"Wait what?" Josh looked up from his open legged sitting position. "He threatened to beat me up with a baseball bat if I didn't convince you to buy him ice cream."

"Well normally he would beat you up then ask questions later" Katie sighed.

"Are you serious?"

"Dead" Katie admitted in defeat and searching for an unanswered question. "Okay found one, what is your most precious possession?"

Josh thought a couple of minutes for that one. He kept rewinding to when his mom tied her blood soaked black charm around his neck and to when his dad for the first and last time bonded with him for a whole day and traveled throughout their hectic old town and bought him a key chain. He also went back to when he spent Christmas for the first time with the Holt's when he was 9 and Cameroon's dad had given him a red tinted glass rose and told him to look at it when he feels alone he should just stare at it and think "whenever you feel down, just remember there is an idiot out there pushing a pull door". It was pretty off topic at that time but it still cheered him to these days. And that rose was to this day the most gorgeous, heartfelt, valuable gift he had ever accepted.

"My dictionary" josh said and smiled.

"You are kidding right?" Katie open eyed stared in confusion.

"Nope. The black dictionary in my room.. It means a lot to me"

"That is weird" Katie said.

"Not as much as you" Josh stuck out his tongue, surprising even himself at the immature act he committed.

"Geez childish much?", she rolled her eyes. "This one is interesting. What do you wanna be when you grow up?"

Josh laughed at this. "Grow up?", he quoted, "what were you, ten when you wrote this?"

"A little over that I assume" she frowned.

"Good one. Well I am thinking of Computer science or a major in math. Something that requires calculations, in numbers and intellectually"

He saw her staring
at him bemused as if there were words in the tips of her tongue yet she couldn't dare ask. Josh being Josh understood what she was debating about.

"Hey remember the first time I talked to you?", Josh smiled. Getting no response he continued, "You assumed I was just messing with you so you could let me cheat off you"

"Oh that.." Katie blushed.

"Hey stop. I mean I dont wanna know how dumb you thought I was to think I was gonna ask you to cheat on our test but I have good grades. Not perfect but pretty great and enough to get me in the not so top yet great universities I apply to. I don't wanna live depending on others, I can do what the world expects me to. And I wanna earn hard bucks with something I enjoy later in life. Plus I've already worked on the sappy stuff I'm gonna write in my application essay"

"Please do share"

"Nah. It can wait. Point is, I am aiming for the stars. Go big or go home style", he said and smiled.

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