Chapter Fourteen

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"Hey stop right there" a teacher yelled at them right when they were by the gate to the rooftops entrance.

"You gotta be kidding me" Chad muttered under his breath and let go of Katies arm. Katie suddenly in shock for she had never been called by a teacher, started shaking and put her head down.

"What were you two doing?"

Chad resembling a kid started grumbling how teachers always lacked trust in him when he stood alone with a girl to the furious teacher.

Katie was surprised the one time she was with a guy she had to be misunderstood so she nervously began to sweat. She didn't even have words to mask her guilty conscious.

"Chad that is always your fault. You have never done anything to let out faith fall on you. Now come down right now and don't even think about doing what you were about to anytime again"

"But teachhh I swear I am innocent. I lost my bag up there", he murmured and started showing big puppy eyes to the teacher. Katie thought the teacher must be used to Chads bickering because she saw his face soften and roll his eyes like it was routine.

"Don't you ever get sick of your excuses?"

"Forget it. You ruined the mood" Chad swatted his hands and grabbed Katie to make his way downstairs again.

"What is wrong with you?" Katie yelled once they were far distance from the tired teacher.


"I have never degraded myself to a position like that. Ever! The teacher actually thought I was one of the girls you.. you.." Katie started furiously shaking her arms around in loss for words.

"Hook up with?"

"Yes! That! I mean ewwww", Katie's whole body began to shake.

"Well for your information that wasn't my plan with you" chad replied seriously.

"I don't care. No teacher in my life had accused me of anything but good grades and horrible social skills likewise terrible Physical ed methods"

"Of come on, Harrison always likes to get on my business. He did it on purpose."

"Yeah well you are lucky he isn't my teacher. Just because your grades are suffering doesn't mean mine should too"

Chad stared at her for a while. She suddenly felt shivers to her toes. Goosebumps made their way across her arms. The way he was analyzing his next words scared her.. as if he had a hidden other personality deep down the idiot everyone saw.

"You do know I was the one that beat your math score last year right?"

Katie recalled getting 96 in math first semester last year. Sophomore year was a pain and most subjects were hard and sucked for most people. She remembered everyone being surprised at her grades but Mrs.Flint told everyone to calm down because there actually a student that aced their scores and let everyones attention away from her.

Katie truly confused stared at the pale jock that towered in front of her. "Huh?"

"Yeah I actually have hidden talents" chad folded his collar and stared down at her with piercing blue eyes.

"Aren't you kids going to class? You better pray I am gonna let you leave with just detention notes if I catch you on my way down" Mr Harold screamed from a floor up looking down at them holding onto the wooden staircase.

Chad immediately left a bemused Katie to over process her thoughts alone.


Yawning on his seat in Geometry class Josh looked at Katie slowly making her way towards him.

"Hey" she whispered as she stood in front of him.

"Katie I am sorry. I don't know why I blew up, I shouldn't have done that" Josh said clinging onto Katies hand and looking to her eyes searching for forgiveness. He didn't like the way he left her house. He was truly bothered by what he did and vowed to make things right.

"No josh. If anything I am sorry. You never made me feel any different from other people and still I had to burden you with my insecurities. I am sorry I had to throw that at you"

Josh didn't like that she apologized. He wants her to feel free for sharing her concerns with him. He didn't want her to feel shame for letting her thoughts slip up. He wanted to carry it with her and slowly make her dump it through time.

"Don't  do that" Josh said firmly. "Don't even apologize for who you are. You wanted to say something, you said it. No one has the right to make you feel uncomfortable for that"

Katie looked down at Josh this time. She held back from saying more words and slowly tired to light up a smile.

"I promise I won't do that again. Next time I will listen to you and tell you how you are wrong. I will tell you all the beautiful things I see in you and how your fears mean nothing beside your greatness"

He was surprised at himself. He thought about how warm he acted in front of her and astonished himself. She made him feel comfortable. And he wanted her to feel like that with him as well.

"Now come, sit beside me", he tapped the chair beside him with his fingers and dragged her by her waist so she could be seated. He saw her grin ear to ear and felt happy himself.

Omg omg what the Hades is Chad's deal? Lol he is creepy.. And weird. And he definitely left me open mouthed. What was his plans after taking her to the top of the building though? He seemed to have something in mind.... *wiggling my eyes*

And oooo.. kash seem to be hitting it off... 😍 haha lol

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