Chapter Twelve

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She looked across the windows of her room to look at the red streaks the sunset was beaming. She felt the rays glisten on her face and turned her face towards her room where her friend lay on her bed, quietly taking a nap.

Not only had Josh made her feel precious today, he introduced her to a couple of people he met inside their highschool compound. Some girls glared, some guys smirked, some people greeted her nicely.. all went well. It was new for her though. This man was teaching her different ways to life.

She approached him to look closely at his tired features. He was very tired today, she thought. She remembered how he kept yawning and napping in the middle of their conversations. She didn't take offense though. She was just concerned. She offered for him to rest a bit at her house before he drove to his house and might have got in an accident. She didn't like knowing something was keeping him up at night.

She moved to sit beside him on her comfortable bed and kept her fixed look on his face. He was not what she would normally call handsome but he was indeed attractive. His strong arms twitched in his sleep though.. it was as if he was expecting someone to jump on him and he was ready to let his reflex take over and put up a fight.

She moved closer to pull up his fingers and noticed how there were different bruises across them. Not slashes or cuts. More of bruises. He did sports. She could tell that. But she didn't expect him to practice fighting or end up being in most.

She suddenly felt an urge to wake him and compel him in a long warm hug. She wanted to squeeze the life out of him and ask what kept running through his mind. She is his friend now, shouldn't they talk about that?

She slowly bent down and kissed his soft cheeks. She felt the need to protect him from his nightmares and shine his life with brightness from that moment on. She held his arm to stop from shaking and he did. His features slowly relaxed from their Grimm look and he took a deep relaxed breath. He didn't know it, but Katie did know he was easing up towards her.

Sleepy or not.

"Thank you"

Drowsy herself now, she rested beside him to rest her head on her arms and smile at him. He was the reason she xould finally look forward to school. He was the only one that made her feel.. not different. He didn't judge her.. Yet. And she doubted he ever will.


He opened his eyes to see Katie's mess of a hair covering up her face and smiled. It was funny how someone's hair could resemble a bush lit on fire yet that person could pull it off. He tilted his head to his side to see her arm resting upon her curves.

He let out a small laughter imagining what Cameroon would have been saying if he was at this position.

Damn girl! You got some junk in the trunk!

It was surprising how some people could say offensive words not slight bit meaning anything but to compliment you.

The only thing bothering him now was Chad.. Why was he showing interest now of all days? Of all the years? Josh wanted to claim Katie his own but that wasn't friendship.. That would scare her off. She wasn't a possession. She was her own person. But Chad... Josh and Chad knew each other once. Which made this even more annoying.

Josh got up yawning to sit upright and check his watch pointing at 7 hours and 43 minutes. He was pretty late, he thought. He wondered if he was welcome to stay this late at their house. Would her parents freak if they saw him..?


Josh turned to see a tired freckled face and a cozy feeling took over his body. He envisioned drawing on the spots and grabbing her button nose then stifled at his silly thoughts.

"Hey", he said through sleepy husky voice.



"You almost laughed" she said flatly.

"I did?", he stared bemused.

"Uh huh"

"Yeah well I was just thinking how you resembled that character from brave"

She scoffed then muttered, "she is skinny and flexible"

"She is also flat chested" he frowned.

He saw her smile then shake her head in disagreement and look down to the floor as if she wanted to crawl into it.

"What is wrong with you?" Josh asked.


"You do know you are beautiful right?"

Katie coughed at that.

"What the heck, why are you so insecure" he screamed.

"Excuse me?", she gaped and suddenly looked surprised at his outburst. He was more annoyed how she couldn't see what he saw. A gorgeous pure hearted soul, that was what she was despite what she thought.

"Seriously. Since the first time we met it was like you didn't expect anyone to be attracted to you. You get surprised when people look at you, you flinch when you hear your name called and you don't take flattery all too well. Why can't you see what I see?"

"My eyes work perfectly fine" she rolled her eyes and got off the other side of the bed. He urged to pull her closer and pour his true intentions out to let her see the truth. He wanted her to know how much she had affected him.

"No. Not one bit believe me. I see a beautiful female with curves. You are a knockout. Everyone at Fran high is stupid for not seeing that. You are beautiful Katie. And not just physically, you know how rare that is?"

"Josh..", she started to say but he cut her off.

"You know what it is not just them. You actually lack intellectual acuity as well. You take yourself for granted, and I don't know if I should even be the one giving you this speech. You need to start appreciating yourself more"

"Easy for you to say"

Josh stared at her for a while before breathing out loud and getting up from his position. He looked at her from across the bed where she stood by the dressing table and took strides towards her. He wanted to turn her around for she could see how amazing she was through the mirror. But the mirror couldn't reveal all of her. She was supposed to look at the light within her. So he just chose to open the door beside her and let himself out after letting her know he will call her soon.

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