Chapter 78

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Dre's eyes flashed open. He was back in the transfer room, where he saw Nightblaze with a giddy smile on his face, displaying a top row of golden teeth. He thought that he were getting used to the simulation, seeing as though he wasn't as tired as usual. The rest of the teams were leaving their pods. "Splendid. Absolutely blooming splendid. Can I get a word with you guys for the magazine?"

He strode over to Megumi and pulled out his notepad from his jacket. "What was going through your mind while you were fighting Katherine?"

Megumi looked taken off-guard by Nightblaze's direct approach. "I just wanted to prove that I was the better one in the relationship. I would've done it, if Ian didn't get in the way," she added, glaring at Ian.

"Now, you're the youngest daughter of the interim King of Elements, Toney Gladestone, correct? How did he react when he learned that you were dating Katherine?"

"Oh, um..." she began, hesitant. "You know, he was pretty okay with it. He didn't really say too much about it." She looked over to Katherine, who frowned before she turned away from them and walked out of the room.

Megumi tried to follow, until Nightblaze stopped her. "Oh, one more quick question. Did you let your relationship with Katherine get in your way with Katherine?"

Annoyed, Megumi retorted. "No. Now if you'd excuse me." She hurried out of the room before Nightblaze could pester her again.

"Huh. Oh, Ke'Undre. Do you have enough time for an interview? You too, Kamatsu. Come, come."

Dre sighed as he and Kamatsu walked over to Nightblaze. "How did you feel whenever you saw that you weren't fighting against Kamatsu, but Jacob instead?"

"I was a bit bummed, you know? I mean, I wanted to beat him down pretty bad, but I couldn't this time. Rest assured, though. When I get to the real tournament, he's going down."

Kamatsu chuckled as he folded his arms. "Oh. Did you have something to say about that, Kamatsu?" Nightblaze asked.

"I find it hilarious that Basura actually thinks he can beat me. We had a little fight back in the first day of training, and I completely mopped the floor with him. And I have no doubt in my mind that I'll not only defeat him, I'll make him never want to pick up a sword again."

"Take that back, you jerk," Dre said, turning to him.

"I'd love to see you make me."

Snarling, Dre through a punch. In an instant, a wall of darkness blocked off the two of them, catching Dre's arm in a dark embrace. His eyes widened as he tried to withdraw his fist; his hand seemed to move at half the speed. "Guys. Let's keep this professional, can we?" Nightblaze said, his voice much darker than before. The wall of darkness fell. Both Dre and Kamatsu looked at him with the same dumbfounded expression.


"Katherine," Megumi called as Katherine sped walked down the halls. She ran towards her. "Baby, wait."

Katherine turned around, furious. "You didn't tell your parents about us, did you?"

Megumi flinched at the sudden turn. She'd never seen Katherine so angry, especially at her. "I... I was going to, but-" Katherine scoffed as she turned away.

Pain tore at Megumi's heart as Katherine walked away. "Baby, hold on. Look, I'm sorry, okay? It's hard telling your parents these kinds of things. I don't think I could live with myself if my parents were disappointed in me."

"Do you know how much that hurts me, Megumi? I told Kamatsu about it, and he's my only living relative. It was hell, but I did it for you. I'd hoped that you would, too."

(Outdated) The King of Elements (part 2)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum