Chapter 5

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A/N Well here's the next chapter, lets see what you think of it.

Percy's point of view

Wow, I can't believe it's been over a year since Annabeth Left me and shattered my heart. Today is also Silena's birthday, which means my Mom and Paul are coming over, we were having a small party for her. My mom made a tray of cupcakes even though I told her she didn't have to. I could have just gone and picked one up after all. I got Silena ready, and I was slightly amused when my Mom came in carrying the cupcakes, and Paul came in burdened with an armload of gifts.

Chuckling I said, "Mom You are Spoiling her."

She replied, "She's my only grandchild, I think I have a right to spoil her.

I sighed but quit arguing.

That was one thing about my mom. She was so kind and caring when I was a kid she almost never yelled at me no matter what happened. I wasn't surprised by how pleased she was when Silena arrived, and how much help she was. She was always happy to watch Silena when I couldn't I guessed that Silena was starting to grow close to my mom and Paul even though I guessed that she was closer to me since I had her most of the time once I got the hang of taking care of her.

Silena Chose that Moment to come out of the living room. From where I had been standing talking to my mom and Paul I could see her so I did know that she was okay. Up until that point, Silena had been Preoccupied with one of her toys to the point that I don't think that she had even realized that my mom and Paul had arrived. Once she finished with the toy she stood. At this point, she has pretty much got the hang of walking, when she stood though she noticed my mom and Paul for the first time and said, "Gramma." She couldn't pronounce grandma so 'that's what she called my mom. Silena tried to run to my mom, but the keyword there though is tried. She may have gotten the hang of walking but the same didn't apply to running. In her haste, she tripped and fell hitting her knee on the hardwood floor.

After she hit the floor she started to cry, honestly, I'm not sure whether Mom or I moved faster in order to get to her and calm her down. Once I got to her I got her calmed down, and I could see that her injury would be nothing more than a bruise. Despite that, I knew that the pain of it would seem worse to her than it would to an adult because she was still so young.

Once she calmed down Her party continued. I couldn't help but chuckle slightly when she got her cupcake all over her face. We cleaned her up and then we opened her gifts, she's still a bit young to do it herself. Her gifts were mostly toys and clothes. Time always seems to pass so quickly, I know there's the old saying, time flies when you're having fun, but sometimes it goes by quickly whether you're enjoying yourself or not.

This past year the only bright spots in my life were Silena, my mom and Paul, and my dad. A couple of months I decided to Iris message Nico and Thalia. I figured that the next time I saw Thalia in person she would probably zap me for not contacting her sooner, but that wouldn't be for a while. As for Nico, he was annoyed, but not as bad as Thalia.

Both of them promised not to tell camp where I was. The gods know of course but I guess that they weren't telling the campers much either. Unsurprisingly both Nico and Thalia were surprised when I told them about Silena but they got over it quickly. I guess that they were used to hearing surprising news.

After my mom and Paul had left, my dad showed up. it was probably best that he waited until they were gone to arrive. After all the last time the three of them were in the same room, well there was only one for it, and that word was awkward. Obviously, at the time none of us said anything, but I'm pretty sure we could all tell.

Even though she didn't see him as often I'm pretty sure that Silena was getting close to my dad too, or as close as she could get when she didn't see him as often anyway. Overall the day went pretty well.

Poseidon's Point of view

I had been quite surprised when I learned of what happened to Percy. The Athena spawn should consider herself lucky that Percy talked me out of harming her, otherwise she wouldn't still be at camp half blood right now. Technically though only I have to keep my promise, the naiads and neirds can still do what they want to her. Due to that she still has to avoid my domain. I was even more surprised when I learned of my granddaughter, especially when I found out that she was not a legacy but a tri-blood. I considered trying to find out who her mother was, but I decided it was best to wait, in time her interests, and Personality may give us hints about who her mother is.

It has been many years since I had a grandchild so I decided that I would try to visit Percy more often. Partially so I can see how he's doing, and partially to see Silena. I guessed why Percy had chosen to give her that name , and I understood his reasons. I knew that Percy wasn't interested in having anyone from camp half blood knocking on his door just yet so we hadn't told the campers where he was or what he was doing.

I was pretty sure Percy wanted to try and live as normal a life as he could until he would inevitably have to return to camp half blood with Silena. I guessed that if he hadn't had his daughter Percy wouldn't have been nearly as happy as he was. He was obviously a much better father to her than I was to him, sure the ancient laws had prevented me from doing as much for him as I would have liked, but regardless I knew that Silena was the one thing that motivated him to keep going on with his life.

Now that she was a year old, it was clear that Silena looked more like Percy since she had the black hair and sea green eyes that Percy had gotten from me. I hoped that Percy would eventually get over the daughter of Athena and find someone else, every time I visited him seeing him so upset always made me angry, and it was only my promise to Percy that stopped me from harming her. I think that surprisingly even Athena was disappointed by her daughter's actions, I think she had finally realized that Percy wasn't what she had always thought he was. He was different from many of his half siblings, he was much more modest than any of them would be, and his loyalty probably made recovering from the heartbreak all the more difficult.

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