Chapter 36

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A/N I know this took a while, I had writer's block for a little while there, hopefully, I will get some more new ideas so it won't come back.Anyway enjoy.

Percy's point of view

I was honestly worried since Luke hadn't seemed like himself for a little while now. It seemed like something was bothering him but when asked he would never tell me or Annabeth. Annabeth told me that although he normally does rather well in school, his grades had begun to drop, and when he was home he would quite often shut himself in his room. He would usually claim to be doing homework but that wasn't always the case.

Annabeth and I were both sure that he was just trying to avoid telling us what was bothering him, but we weren't quite sure how to get him to talk. We didn't want to force an answer out of him but he did seem to be rather upset, and if he'd just talk we might be able to help him. Luke was my main worry, not just because he's my son, but also because there really wasn't much else going on.

Silena seemed to be fine, sure she would run into monsters from time to time, but that wasn't really anything unusual, unfortunately. I was in the living room sitting on the couch. The TV was on but I wasn't really paying attention to it since my mind was focused on my worries about Luke. I sighed as I tried to think of something to do to help him or to get him to open up to me but I just couldn't think of anything.

I heard the door to Silena's room open, and I saw that Aphrodite was coming out of it. I knew she had been in there talking to Silena although I didn't know what they were talking about. As Aphrodite got closer to me she asked, "Is there something on your mind?"

I didn't bother asking how she knew, she seems to be one of the only people who can read me like an open book even if I try to hide how I'm feeling from her. Instead, I replied, "Luke just hasn't been quite himself for a while now, but he refuses to tell me and Annabeth what's wrong, I'm just worried about him, I want to help him but since he won't tell us what's wrong I can't,"

Trying to reassure me she said, "I'm sure he'll tell you when he's ready to, just give him more time,"

"It's been over two months," I pointed out.

She replied, "Well, I don't know what is bothering him, but if it has anything to do with my domain he could still need more time,"

Even though I didn't really like to think about it I knew that both Luke and Silena were at the age where they might begin to like someone as more than just a friend, and although I didn't really like it I knew that Silena got a lot of attention because of her looks, even though she isn't completely focused on her appearance like some of Aphrodite's other children.

Despite what Aphrodite was saying I wasn't sure what was bothering Luke, how could liking someone make him act the way he was unless the person he liked didn't return his feelings. Whatever it was I wished he would tell me. Aphrodite tried to take my mind off my worries, but I just couldn't quite shake them no matter what she did.

Silena's Point of view

I was at school and it was lunch break. I was sitting with my friend Natalie. I was kind of distracted so when Natalie said, "He's cute isn't he,"

When I looked I could see that she was looking at one of the boys at one of the other tables. I replied, "Yeah kind of," although I wasn't really interested in the guy.

"You were staring at him?" she said questioningly.

I replied, "No I wasn't,"

I hadn't been staring at the guy, I realized I'd been eyeing someone else but I wasn't going to tell her that, not yet at least.

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