Prologue: Cross One, Circle Another

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I slice across his chest again with my most favourite knife drenched in holy water. His screams of pain is like music to my ears.

Why would vampires want their prey not to make sounds like this? Why would they want them to be silent? The sounds make the torture that much enjoyable and worthwhile.

I remove the knife from his chest momentarily, stepping away from the boy and I bring the knife to my mouth to lick the blood off.

"You'll never get away with this," the vampire spits at me.

I remove the knife from my lips and glance over to my kill board, similar to a wanted board except I want all my victims alive. Almost every face has an x, only a few remaining without one.

I look back to the boy and give him an malicious smile. "But I've already have."

"I swear when my boyfriend finds me he will rip you apart," he continues to threaten me, with venom in his voice.

I chuckle darkly. "I would love to see him try."


"Now, are you going to answer my questions?" I ask, now bored with this futile conversation.

He still shakes his head and says nothing.

I step forward and stab the tip of the knife in his his stomach, hearing his screams of agony.

"Yes... Yes," the boy says, panting.

I hold up the picture of a boy I've been unable to locate for months. He must be very valuable if he's hidden so well. I want to kill him more than I've ever wanted to kill a vampire before.

"Who is this?" I ask the vampire with the tip of the knife still pressed inside him.

The boy doesn't answer me just stares blankly at the picture.

I remove the knife from his stomach and tilt his head back, bringing the knife to his face.

"What will you look like without an eye?" I ponder. "Let's see, well technically you won't be able to anymore," I say laughing as I lower the knife to his eyeball.

Just as it is about to skim the cornea he speaks. "Stop, please. I don't know who he is but I've seen him around the Vampire world a few months ago."

"Is he a King or a servant?" I ask curiously, pulling the knife away from his eye a centimeter.

"Neither, I believe."

"Then what is he?" I question, becoming really impatient.

"A commoner," the boy answers, but it sounds more like a question to me.

"Thank you for your cooperation."

I bring the knife expertly up to his neck and slice it across. It seems to have skimmed the first layer of skin until blood wells as the head moves down and falls to the ground.

I walk over to my board and cross out the dead vampire. I hang the picture in my hand and circle it, the next vampire on my list.


A/N: Are you excited for the book? Thoughts on the Prologue? Who is the mystery person? Who is the person who wants to kill the vampire?

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