Chapter 14: Clueless

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One Week Later


The line rings in my ear and I wait patiently before the call goes to voicemail. goes to voicemail.

"Hey, Ellis. I hope you are well. I want to speak to you about something. I would rather have you come to my castle, but I understand if you want to just speak over the phone. Call me back as soon as you can."

The line beeps and I move the phone away from my ear and press the end button.

I toss the phone on the table, lowering my head and running my hands through my hair.

Since speaking to the police a few days ago, I found out that Mack has been kidnapped by an unknown indivdual. No one has been able to find him yet.

I fear that he may endure the fates of the others. I'm going to try all I can to prevent this. Even if it means exchanging myself to be in his place.

From speaking to the police, it is pretty obvious no one knows where he was taken. The witnesses identified the person, but there is not a face to go with the description.

There is no use sitting in my office and feeling down about having Mack taken from me and waiting with bated breath for Ellis to return my message.

I stand up from my desk, roughly pushing my chair in and heading for the door. I open the door and it opens to Don about to knock. I push past him and close the door and then locking it.

"King Kaden-." Don starts, but doesn't get a chance to answer as I speed down the hallway and open the front doors.


Walking around the small coffee shop that Mack was last seen at, there is not much of any evidence. The only evidence that I know he was here is the trail of his scent mixed with an unfamiliar smell leading out from the shop and into the alleyway. It seems like there was no sign of a struggle, there would've been blood.

I walk into the shop, the bell dinging above my head as the door swings open. I walk towards the register, while scanning my surroundings.

I sit down at one of the stools at the bar and a worker walks over.

She gives me a bright smile. "Can I get you anything?"

"No, I'm not thirsty."

"Are you hungry? We have fresh muffins from staight out of the oven."

"No thank you," I respond. She goes to turn away, when I speak up. "There is something else you can get me."

Her heart skips a beat as she looks over and walks back over to me. "What's that?"

"Uhh, my friend was at this coffee shop a few days ago and I haven't heard anything from him for days now. Were you working that day?"

"I'm not sure. Can you give me an idea of what he looks like?"

"He's short, brown hair, pale skin, painted red nails."

"Yeah, I do. I went up to his table that he was sharing with a friend. The friend ordered a coffee while he didn't. They were talking until he stood up abruptly and left the restaurant with his friend following."

"What did the friend look like?"

She goes on to give the description that the police had given me a few days prior.

"Do you know where they went?"

She shakes her head. "No, I had to work."

"Okay, thank you for your help. You can return to your job."

She nods and leaves the counter to help a customer that approaches.

I turn around in the stool and stand up before walking to the door and exiting outside.

The only thing I can do now is wait until the psychopath that kidnapped my boyfriend to slip up. As soon as I'm back to the castle, I will send out a message to everyone in the country that works for me to keep an eye out for this male.

I will find Mack. I could not live with myself if he ended up dead like King Ellis' boyfriend. When I find the psychopath that is killing us, he will no longer kill us, he won't do much of anything anymore.

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