-Chapter 5- living with you.

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Jackson lay sleeping he took up most of the bed in the small motel room we shared.

“Jackson..” I sat up and shook him.

“Hm..what?” he rubbed his eyes giving me a glare.

“I can’t sleep...It’s too quiet here.”  Jackson grabbed the blankets and rolled over.

“Go to sleep andy.”

I just lay there staring at the ceiling thinking of what everyone could be saying about me running away with Jackson. My father would just die from embarrassment and mama well i think she already knew.

Soon it was morning.

“Andy get up. we have to go.” Jackson shook me hard before throwing some clothes at me.

"fine fine."

I got ready and soon we were on the road again. The secenary was beautiful nothing but forest and road, like something out of a fiarytale. 

"This used to be my daddys place before he left."

Jackson parked and helped me off the bike. I looked over the old cabin it was small but perfect. This was kind of like summer camp.


The next few weeks with Andrew is just amazing i've never felt happier but i still have to tell him.

"Andrew. I have to tell you something." He sat on the couch playing a game.

"Yeah. go on."

"Well..Andrew, you remeber carol.."

He sat up.

"Yeaah. what about her?"

"Well..she says i'm the father of her child." I watched Andys' face just turn to utter shock. He just nodded though and smiled.

"You're a father. That's good I guess, i mean what else have you been lying to me about..Jackson. how old are you really."

"Wow just wow Andy. I'm here hurting and confused and all you care about is weather i'm lyin to you. sure i slept with that woman but we we're careful..at least i-i thought we we're."

Andrew shook his head.

"So what about me?"

"Andy dont worry i love you." 

Sins of a preacher's son~Book 1 (complete)Where stories live. Discover now