Chapter 6~ Jenny.

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Thanks soo much fans and readers for making this number 98 even if it doesnt last long i'll still keep posting.

~G.C <3


Today is the day i meet Jenny. My daughter. Andrew doesn't know a thing about Carol. And Carol doesn't know anything about Andrew..Great.

"What's wrong?" Andrew sat up frowning.

"Nothing I was just thinking." Here we are making out and all i could think about was; Jenny. Andrew is trying so hard too.

"Okay...well think about something else." Andrew kissed me hard biting my tounge I wrestled him away cursing.

"Andrew, what the hell that hurt."

" worked."

"Damn. Your trying way to hard by the way." Andrew scoffed and got up putting his shirt and pants back on. Andrew wanted me to take his virginity but i wanted it to be be special for the both of us. My first time wasnt anything special just sex.

Dear God,

I love Jackson so much but it seems like he doesnt love me like I thought. I know its a sin too Lust after someone but i'd like to have what my parents have.



I ripped this page from his journal and burned it. Andrew's father doesnt even love his mother i've seen the way they acted in public and one day i heard them fighting over the phone. I dont want the life that his parents have and the one my parents had. My father was no good and my mother let him ruin her life. I prayed everyday until i went to jail that is.

"Andrew i'm going to go see Jenny and Carol today."

"Oh? okay have fun." he went into the kitchen clearly upset.

"Andrew. I love you not her and besides she doesnt even know."


"Jackson. she doesnt know your gay?"

"nope. you see I was a little unsure so.." he shrugged looking away.

"You just said screw it."

"Hey I didnt like it okay." He was so defensive when it came too Talking about what happened when he and carol were together. It made me jealous in a way.

We drove back into town and met up with Carroll at Jackson's mama s house.

"Hello Andrew dear."

"Hello. How are you today?" She smiled and wrapped her arms around me laughing.

"No need for those fancy words, your my baby's man. I love you anyway. More than that tramp."

Jackson went into the kitchen shaking. I've never seen Jackson like that it was making me hotter buy the second.

"Jackson. This here is your daughter Jenny. Say hi Jenny."

Jenny was cute, like a little puppy. Her hair was tied in little pigtails with blue bows. Shs had on a little yellowish-pink dress it was more or less for church.

"Mama says you're my daddy."

"Yes. But you can call me Jackson." He kneeled down shaking her hand. I just laughed, what kind of father

Shakes their own kids hand? Wait my father did..

Carol saw me sitting with Jackson's mama and came over swaying her hips and popping her gum.

" Andrew. Was it?"

" yes."

Carol crossed her legs and smiled. How did you guys meet?"

I wanted to just come out and say it. But I'm sure Jackson wants to tell her himself.

"He worked with me and my daddy over the summer."

"oh" she popped her gum again and we talked some more before keyshawn came in. He glared at Jackson and i but smiled at carol.

"Keyshawn. You need to take your stuff and go." Jackson's mama yelled from the kitchen.


Jackson and jenny played outside as i watched from the pourch.

"Ain't that cute. Jackson and his little girl. Too bad you wont be apart of that i know jackson. He'll leave you once things really set in."

"You dont know jackson. He loves me."

Keyshawn chuckled.

"Why do you even care?" I glared at him wishing i could hit him. Than it hit me.

"holy hell you like me." He didnt like the tone of my voice as his hand grabbed my face.

"Yeah. What of it, it's not like Jackson ever really loves his boyfriends. You know when he told me i jusy thought andrew must be a little white boy..and than i saw your ass.."

I pushed him away he grabbed my wrist twisting it painfully. I couldn't call out to Jackson he was having to much fun to see that his gay cousin wanted his boyfriend. Keyshawn grinned taking my hand and

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