Chapter 12~ Home

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I took one more look at my home and closed the door. Soon I would be on a plane heading home, back to Jackson. It was maybe a six hour flight home and i made sure I was able to sleep.

Dear God,

Please let me get over this silly feeling. Let me just confront Jackson.


When I woke the plane had landed and a woman was shaking me.


"Oh, I must have dozed off." I say while wiping the drool off my face.

I grabbed my one bag and headed inside the airport. The heat tore me from my thoughts as I wished I did'nt wear long sleaves on the plane.  I walked around to grab my other bags. Only to find them missing. I threw the bigest tantrum ever seen in the airport. They had no clue how much money was in those bags, I gave up my house and faboulous life to come here and this is what I get.

I just used what little cash I had in my pocket to get a cab and drive to the address Jackson had cruely wrote on a napkin. He really needed to practice his hand writing. The cab stopped at a cute little house in the middled of nowhere, well not nowhere: The only diner in town was next to it. Jackson came out seeing that I was here.

"How come you did'nt call me. Shit. its expensive to drive out here."

"Well, I've had quite a time ever since I stepped off the plane."

He grabbed my only bag and we went inside the house. He went into a room and came back out.

"Well home sweet home. huh. It's not much."

"It's cute. Very humble. Not that anything is wrong with that." I fanned myslef trying to get cool. Jackson noticed this and smiled a bit.

"You know it's hot here. Heck it was hot in CA, and you go around wearing long sleeves."

"I-it was cold on the plane! I get cold." 

Jackson showed me around the one floor house everything was right next to each other, the kitchen next to his bed room, the bathroom next to that. The living room was the center of it all. I had the guest room, which was his daughters on the weekends. 

"How are Jenny and Carol?"

"Good. They're a little mad at the whole broke thing."


"Yeah. I spent a bit too much money going to get that kid of mine back from you."

I apologized and we sat and talked some more.

"Have you seen Kristy?"

"That girl, you used to hang with?"

I nodded looking at an old school yearbook, seeing jackson did graduate before me. He looked just as he did when I met him.

"Oh, yeah. she's married. I think they have a baby. You know it's been a while."

I sat next to him and pointed out the picture he had circled.

"You had a crush on me way before we met?"

"No, see I circled plenty of other guys. dont let that ego go to your head."

I pushed him and just went to my room. I peeled off the long sleeved shirt and put on something more fitting. This ego is getting to my head, since when have I been this proper?

"Hey you want to go for a ride?"

"Sure." I blushed feeling Jackson stare at me as I was changing. This feeling was starting to get to my head. He helped me on his bike that he's had forever and we just rode around town, He went a bit farther down to the lake we never swam in that summer.

"This is my favorite spot, you know it's a little slice of heaven." He leaned agaisnt a tree and just admired the sunset.

"It is pretty nice." I stood a few feet from the edge of the the peir. I heard jackson come up behind me. He wrapped his arms around me, and squeezed me tight.

"Andy. can you swim?"

"Yes. wh-"

I felt him push me I just fell into the luke warm lake and came up to a laughing Jackson.

"You jerk!"

This big jerk soon jumped in and just swam circles around me. We floated in the lake till get bacame late.

"We should head back."

Jackson swam over to the ladder and went up, I followed closely picking up my shoes that were still wet. 

"Think we could run a blowdryer over them?"

Jackson pointed to his head and I just laughed feeling like a fool. 

"Andy that laugh is cute."

"Shut up, it's just a laugh." I pushed him and he pushed me back, nearly tackling me to the ground.

"Geez Jackson lay off the twinkies."

"Not everyone can have a ripped body." He said running his hand up my shirt.

"Well..I make moives and have to look good." I grinned patting his stoumuch, he just leaned in and  kissed me. Of course I kissed back, a little bit more than I wanted too. We made out rolling on the wet grass getting our clothes muddy. 

I broke the kiss and just lay there panting.


"Come on. it's not like anyone is here." He said with excitment. Jackson was all hot and bothered. But to me this felt like a day at work. I prayed for love and just to be happy, This was staring me in the face wanting to be with me..I was scared he would leave.

"Promise. You wont leave me." 

"Why would-"

"Promise. Than i'm yours."

Jackson nodded and rested his head on mine.

"Andy, I wont leave you. Just don't leave me."


I woke to the smell of grass and feeling Jackson still next to me.

"What time is it?"

The sun was up and we were still butt naked.

"Shit! Jackson!"

He woke and just grumbled something. I just sat there in horror as a family walked by looking at us. I grabbed my clothes and quickly threw them on.

"Jackson get up. People are here."

I spied a few kids taking pictures with their phones I wanted to die. I flipped a few of them off as a few unkind words were yelled.

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