Chapter 11~Cali

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I couldnt belive Jenny just ran away from all her family like that. Just to see me of all things.

Oh God..



"Why don't you go have a seat."

She nodded and left me too my work. Of course I had somone drag her out of the set, So we could shoot this "movie" or sin. I use to do this and now, I direct it. Jackson would be ashamed to know

I make this smut. But I suppose someone has to do it.

Later into the day i had Jenny run some errands to keep her busy. Of course my actors and staff had to ask what a little girl was doing there.

"She is off limits to your perverse minds"



" can i see your house?"

"I Suppose."

Leaving work early we both went to my home in Beverly Hills. Jenny just pointed out the amazing view . I wondered if Jackson still lived with Carol.

"Does..your daddy still live with Carol?"

" nah. They couldn't live together for some reason."

"Oh well. I guess its for the best."

Jenny turned around and smiled; giving me those puppy doll eyes.

"Andrew? Can I swim in your pool?"

"You sure do ask alot of questions. go on. I don't use it."

"aw why?" 

"Cus of my fu- my hand."

Jenny laughed and squealed running off to the pool. What i didnt know was that Jackson was on his way over here. An hour or so later I knock on my door interuppted me cooking. Jenny sat at the table waiting for me to finish. I walked into the small hall way leading to the front door and peered through the peep hole.



I opened the door before he had a chance to knock it down. He and Carol stood in a huff. 


Before I could even finish that sentence he bargged in and went straight for Jenny.

"Jenny come on."

"But Daddy! I want to stay."

"No. Jenny come on." He raised a hand to her and slapped her on the bottom like some misbehaved child. She cried and protested.

"Hey. I will not tolerat this in my home. Jenny go with your father."

"Stay out of this Andrew."

"I will not you are in my home."


I've never seen Andrew so pissed off in all my life. He litteraly wanted us out of his home and out of his life. I was about to confront Andrew when the smoke alarm went off.


The stove catches fire along with whatever else lay in its path. Andrew quickly found the fire exshingwisher and put the fire out with little to no effort.

"God Damnit! This kitchen cost more than you could ever make in a lifetime." Andrew swore and kicked us out.

"Take your kid and leave!"

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