Chapter 10~ All grown up

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"Happy birthday!"

Mom opened the windows and pulled the covers off me.

"Mom.." I whined and pulled them back on. She just pulled them back off.

"Come on get ready your party starts soon and your dad is coming over."

She left me and I dragged myself out of bed and got ready. I couldnt belive it i'm offically sixteen and the fact that dad was coming over made it even better. I never really got a chance too see him much. He just works alot and travels. 

Once i had my dress on and hair done I called all my friends to tell them the party started. 

"I can't wait to see what you're cake looks like?"

"You think they'll give you a car for your birthday, I mean your daddy is rich."

"he isnt rich. but i'll see you guys when you get here."


Everyone on moms side showed up and it was a blast so far. My friends and I danced and ate and soon I heard my daddys bike and I raced too the front yard. He didnt even have a chance to get his helmet off as I tackled him in a crushing hug, smelling the leather jacket with a hint of axe.

"Hey Jenny!"

"Hey daddy. Come on everyone is already here your late."

"Alright. alright."

I dragged him into the back yard and everyone was happy to see him. Mom came over and hugged him tight. 

"Jackson oh look at you. Do I see gray hair."

"You two drive me too it."


After the party dad stayed for a while talking to mom while I sat and ate the rest of my dinner.

"So I didnt get a chance to find him."

"Andrew? hes long gone hun, I mean the boy drove your car off a bridge."

"He was upset and just needed me but didnt want me. I just want to know he's alright."

My mom and dad talked for a while before I went to bed. I wondered who andrew was and why my dad was so upset about it. tomarrow i think i'll find him.


At School i sat in lunch with my phone looking through the news papers and such. I found one about the car going over the bridge and there was no body found.

"Ew. what are you doing?"

"Just trying too find someone for my daddy. his friend or something."

"okay well lunch is almost over."

I stayed back a little bit before i found a photo of him.  It hit me when i saw his face, I knew this guy somehow. I had to ask mom about it.




I turn around in my chair and face her.

"Um, why did you ask me if i knew this man?. Have you seen him?" she had that motherly tone to her and I hated it.

"No. But-"

"If you ever see him just run away or go tell an adult. This man is trouble."

"But daddy-"

"No but Jenny! promise me."

"Yes. Ma'ma."

"Now, finish your homework and come down too dinner." she left and went to set the table. But what she didnt know I already found Andrew. He's a big shot director in california and I already booked my ticket to go see him.

"Sorry mama but i'd like to see daddy happy for once."

I went down to dinner and enjoyed my mothers company for a while before going back upstairs and packing.


The alarm on the otherside of the room blared and taunted me to get up. Of course i had too get up and wake my darling daughter. Slowly but surely I made my way too her room half sleep.

"Jenny..come on get up!"

I knock on her door and open it, only to find it empty.


I go downstairs smelling pancakes and eggs.

"You sure are up early." the kitchen was empty but all I saw was a note and some pancakes now turning cold.

Dear mama.

Sorry i went agaisnt your word. but i just have too find andrew he's linked to daddy and me somehow


I got a call from Carol saying that Jenny ran away to find Andrew

"what do you mean ran away? to..where California!" I didnt have time to think i ran out the house and hopped on my bike heading to the airport to meet Carol there. We caught the next plane in a hurry.


All these young girls lined up too get a part in this movie. Pathetic.


A young girl came up too me, she was tall but young...a little too young.

"Sir? manners i see. what is it?"


"Sweet pea your a little too young, to be in this kind of movie."

"Oh no your Andrew right?"

My expression changed. No one has called me andrew in years.

"How do you know me?"

"My daddy."

"Daddy? I know that accent from anywhere. you're Jenny."

"Yeah! My dad really wants to see you." She walked with me as i looked each girl over and pushing them away.

"Well tell him I dont want to see him."


"I just dont."

I pushed her aside and went to my staff.

"Numbers four five and six."

"Are you guys fighting?"


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