Chapter 8- God Help My Father

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It wasn't long until daddy came home. I waited until he was comfortable enough on my bed to break the news too him.

"Daddy..Listen i'm sorry I ran off and all that but you love me anyway right?"

"I do."

"And remember how you said you'll love me no matter what."

"Yes. Andrew what is this about? Is it sex?"

"No. No, Daddy...I'm Gay." 

I wish it went that way, In my mind after I said it My father just nodded.


"I'm glad your alright Andrew." That was all he could say.

"Daddy. Your not mad?"

"No, Your alive and thats what matters. now excuse me." he left without another word. Jackson came in and told me right.

"See, he didnt freak out. Your daddy took it pretty well. I'll let you catch up with your folks."

Jackson left and mama came in.

"Andrew your daddy wants you in the study."

I went downstairs Mama followed closely behind.

"Come on in Andrew." 

He sat down and poured himself a glass of whiskey in a matter of minutes he needed another one. I couldn't stand daddy drinking but that's what he wanted.

"Alright, Andrew give me your hands. I want to pray  with you." I took his hands and closed my eyes. 

"Dear Lord, Thank you for deleivering my son back to me safely, thank you for giving him the courage to admit his sins agaisnt you." I went to take my hands back but he just held them tighter.

"Please forgive Andrew for his sins! We ask that you clense his body of this evil. Amen."

I just stared at him in shock. 


"Andrew, I want you to pray for forgiveness!"

Looking at Mama she just nodded.

"Do what your father says."

"Dear God, Please help my father see that I love who i am. Please let him see the monster he had become! God I ask you..."

He took my hand and placed it on the desk, grabbing a letter opener he drove it right into my hand.

"His only son went through this much pain! For you and all those sinners!"

I screamed out trying to pull it out. 

"Pray for forgiveness. I want to hear it by morning."

They left me pinned to the table. I just sobbed as i tried and tried to get the letter opener out of my hand.

Dear God,

Please help my father see for once i am happy. please forgive him for his actions.




I woke feeling my hand sting.

"Don't move baby."

Mama sat sewing up my hand.

"You were a doctor?"

"At one point yes. your father took that away also. I lost someone and turned to god and never went back to medicine."

"That's what all the medical books are for.."

"Yes. I didn't decorate the house with medical books to make me seem smart. Your father is going mad. We're getting divorced."


She wrapped my hand in gauze.

"I can't take this anymore..."

"I see."

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