World 1 Level 1- A Hero Comes

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Kirby was happily wandering around the castle, looking for Maxim Tomatoes and strawberry shortcake. He was happy and thinking that aside from the storm all was well. But then he suddenly noticed that all the Waddle Dees were urgently jumping up and down around something, obviously distressed. He ambled toward them, happily singing "poyo, poyo," not noticing that they all scattered from him in fear.

A bolt of lightning came down from the sky and, narrowly missing it, still acting happy-go-lucky, he inhaled it. With a joyful "Hai-yah!" he became Spark Kirby, so that he wouldn't get hurt if more lightning came down.

When he got to the spot where the Waddle Dee had been, all that was there was a large rock. He huffed (no strawberry shortcake here,) and began to walk away. But then he saw a Waddle Dee's foot sticking out from under the rock, barely twitching. With a look of surprise and compassion, he used his Copy Ability to blow the rock apart. Carefully dodging all the lightning from the sky, he carried the Waddle Dee to safety under an overhang. All of the other Waddle Dee looked out from around a corner, cautiously observing.

Poking at the Waddle Dee, trying to get it to wake up, he became concerned when it no longer twitched or anything. He sat down and thought for a moment, then, a lightbulb appeared over his head. He rubbed his hands together, creating a large surge of electricity. After first looking around himself, he shouted "Clear, poyo!" and touched the Waddle Dee, who was shocked back to life. As soon as it saw who he was, it started to shake in fear. Then, it did an unheard-of thing. It let out a squeak. And then it ran off, just as fast as its comically large yellow-orange feet could carry it.

Kirby frowned in confusion. "Poyo, wait, poyo!" he called out. When it, of course, didn't, he sucked in air and began to float silently and quickly through the air. Moments later, he had caught up to the frightened Waddle Dee. He floated down and scooped it gently up into his arms.

Apparently, though, gentleness wasn't enough. The Waddle Dee struggled uselessly in his hands. However, it realized getting out was impossible. And then, without using a mouth or anything, it shrieked out in anger, "Put me down, bozo!!!"

"POYO?!?" Kirby squawked and dropped it in amazement.

The Waddle Dee somehow inhaled a nearby feather that had been flying through the gusts of wind through its face, getting the Wing Copy Ability. It flapped its new-found lighter-than-Kirby-pink wings and landed gracefully. "H-how did I do that?" it gasped. Kirby guessed it was a girl from how its voice sounded, although any Waddle Dee would probably sound fairly girl-like.

He waddled over to her, and she nervously held up a wing, ready to strike. "No. No fight, poyo," he said, shaking his head. He tapped her on the tip of the wing. "Girl, poyo? Talk, poyo? How, poyo?"

The Waddle Dee frowned deeper, then looked surprised. "You can hear me? Um, yes, I'm a girl, and yes, I can apparently talk, and no, I have no idea how."

Kirby shook his head in wonder. "Meta Knight, poyo."

The Waddle Dee rolled her eyes. "I don't think Meta Knight has anything to do with it." She ran back under the overhang, quite quickly for a Waddle Dee. Kicking out the Copy Ability, she returned to looking like normal, only her eyes seemed much more intelligent than they had been a while before.

Kirby caught up to her and continued, "No. Talk Meta Knight, poyo."

The Waddle Dee shuddered. "Talk to Meta Knight? So he can chop me up with that magic sword of his? No, thank you."

Kirby rolled his little blue eyes and inhaled her before she could argue more. Struggling to keep her in his mouth without swallowing, he ran through the castle to Meta Knight's training room. Throwing open the door, he came face-to-face with Meta Knight, whose eyes were glowing an irritated orange.

"Why do you dare to disturb my training?" Meta Knight huffed, pointing Galaxia at Kirby. "Do you seek a duel?"

Kirby shook his head and spat the Waddle Dee out, who started sputtering. "Why did you try to eat me, you bozo? That was disgusting! I can't-" Her eyes grew huge as she saw Meta Knight. "Yikes!" she yelped and inhaled a sword off a weapons rack as quickly as she could. Becoming Sword Waddle Dee, she pointed it at Meta Knight. "You're not turning me into sushi, at least not without a fair fight!" she declared, determined, but her fear-filled eyes betrayed her.

Meta Knight's eyes glowed a medium green in curiosity. "How can you talk?" Then, his eyes a lighter green of amusement, he chuckled. "Never mind. If it is a fight that you want, little one, it is a fight you are going to get."

She gulped, terrified, as he stalked towards her. Then, she closed her eyes as she heard his sword whoosh through the air...

Heroes of Dreamland, Book 1: Kirby and the Monstrous Lightning (OLD)Where stories live. Discover now