World 4 Level 4- Waddle Dee Are Not That Simple

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They all awoke that afternoon. Meta Knight passed out some bread he had brought from the castle, and after a quick breakfast/lunch, they all got back to work.

The rest of Cookie Country went by fairly quickly. The boss was a Poppy Bros. Senior with a chef's hat that threw cookies at them. It buried them all in the crispy pastries, except Meta Knight, who deftly evaded the attacks with his typical skill. "Give me your cookies! I fear them not!" he had shouted at it bravely, jumping up and slicing through it with Galaxia.

"Finally," Sakura sighed after he had defeated it, she had clambered out of the mountain of sugar cookies and shortbread, and had helped the smaller half of their party out as well. "Something cookie-related. I was beginning to think Cookie Country was completely cookie-less."

Meta Knight chuckled as he picked up a small pouch that had been left behind when the monster had faded away. "Cappys named all of the places in Dreamland, and they do not tend to be very literal."

Laughing, she agreed, "I'll say." Noticing the pouch in his hand, she asked, "What's that?"

He opened it, then told her, "Cookies, it appears."

"Yummy, poyo!" Kirby exclaimed, running over and grabbing the pouch, the contents of which he quickly started inhaling.

Sakura snatched it away from him. "Those are Meta Knight's, Kirby. He won them, fair and square."

Kirby stuck his tongue out at her. "Meh, poyo." He waddled off and started dancing with Bandana Dee.

"What are you doing?" she asked, amused.

"Always do this after boss, poyo!" Kirby told her gleefully as he did a cartwheel. Bandana Dee slid by, doing a moonwalk. "Dance, Sakura, poyo! Dance!"

She rolled her eyes and giggled, "All right." Spreading her wings, she did a sort of air-ballet over the little two. "Come on, Sir Knight. Join us, it's fun."

He watched them with amused green eyes, but shook his head. "No, you three seem to have the victory dancing taken care of."

"Stick-in-the-mud, poyo," Kirby rolled his eyes and finished off his part by holding his hand above his head. "Tada, poyo!" Bandana's finale was a headstand, and Sakura did a mid-air pirouette.

"That was fun," she admitted, landing on the ground and letting her feathery cherry-blossom-colored angel-wings return to being a cape.

Meta Knight shrugged, his attention elsewhere. "That is strange," he muttered to himself.

"What?" she asked, walking over.

"Before Kirby began to inhale them, there appeared to be four cookies. There are still four cookies visible in the pouch."

"Huh. Try dumping them out," she suggested.

He did so, and they quickly had a rather large pile of cookies at their feet, but the bag still didn't run out.

"Well, Sir Knight, you seem to have found a lifetime supply of cookies," she laughed.

Bandana Dee and Kirby eagerly ran over. Giving his buddy a sideways glance, Kirby announced, "Betcha Kirby eat more, poyo."

Bandana Dee shook his head in almost-offended disagreement, and the two quickly started devouring the pile. Sakura sighed and shook her head. "You two are bottomless pits."

"Yep, poyo," Kirby agreed, grinning at her with a chocolate-chip covered face.

After a few minutes, Meta Knight declared, "We need to keep going."

Heroes of Dreamland, Book 1: Kirby and the Monstrous Lightning (OLD)Where stories live. Discover now