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do you remember when you told me you loved the rain?

you said that it was comforting to you, like the sound of raindrops meeting the ground was the security you had been searching for.

it is raining right now. but now, the sound of the raindrops is unsettling; it leaves me uneasy. instead of the crystal sky bringing us a gift of life from above, it seems to me as if the clouds are weeping.

i wish you were here right now, maybe then i could find comfort within the pouring rain.

but now i only hear noise. there is no beauty in the charcoal grey skies, no hope in the lingering rainbow that appeared after.

i know that something as simple as rain shouldn't bring back old memories that leave me restless. but it does.

they say that i'm holding onto old feelings, and that they should've went away by now.

but i'm not holding onto old feelings. i just haven't found any new ones yet.

everlasting 一 pjm, kthWhere stories live. Discover now