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it's hard to find someone who understands your feelings. see, the thing is, no one truly understands. they may pretend to understand, they may grasp the material things, but they will never truly know. they will never know what goes through your brain; what thoughts run through your head and what you truly feel. they will never know how your mind works; how you take things and what your thought process is. and that is a fact about humanity that is truly tragic. we long to understand each other, yet we will all always be little puzzles floating through the universe, waiting to be solved but never finding the right person to take the time to arrange our pieces together to tell the full story.

i have always loved the flowers and the birds, loved the sunlight and the clouds that drifted by. i have always loved the way the leaves move in the breeze and the soft whispering sound they make, like nature loves to make conversation too. yet the tiredness that begun a while ago remains like a veil over my skin, cold and grey. and as i watch the petals and the twigs that sway outside my window, there is only a creeping sorrow where there should be joy. it sits like november rain on my skin, enough to chill what was once warm inside. at one point, i would have called a friend or my family and asked for the warmth i need to ward it off, just a little is enough.

but no longer. tiredness weighs down my shoulders like a heavy jacket and the shadows under my eyes reveal the color of my bones underneath.

the cause of this emptiness? you, taehyung. our love was a tragic romance, and it was kept secret with hushed lips and stolen glances because it was forbidden. it was kept quiet and no one knew of it.

until they found out. then it was all downhill from there.


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