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i remember when you finally broke.

it was on that day i still can't get out of my memory. on a black and cloudy night, when i found you in a dark alley unconscious on the ground still as the full moon in the sky, and i couldn't believe my eyes.

it was like everything was playing in slow motion as i watched crimson flow from the wound in your chest.

i tried to scream but nothing would come out. i think my fast-beating heart my was stuck in my throat.

i watched as you were taken away by the ambulance in stoic silence. your mother came running as fast as she could and she didn't even bother to give me a disapproving look as she usually did, she just wept. the hospital you were admitted into was uncomfortably sterile and the white lights blinded me.

they said that you had been the victim of a hate crime and that the authorities were looking for the people who did it. but i didn't care about that. i cared about the melancholy dripping from your voice and the broken look behind your empty eyes.

my eyes were swollen violet and i left and cried to myself in the vacant hospital restroom.

you told me not to worry about you, but i knew that it was over. the world didn't favor us and we were a lost cause.

everlasting 一 pjm, kthΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα