6. First Confession

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“Oh my gosh! Tell him already!” Lexi’s aggravated voice sounded loud through the receiver of my phone.

“I can’t…”

“Dani, please. It’s been like a week since you realized and you still didn’t tell him!” Yep. It’s been a week since I stalked Daniel and followed him to the planetarium. He brought me there a couple times since. I keep telling myself to hold my feelings back, it’s probably a part of his devious plan to win me over and when he’s done, he’ll just throw me to the curb like he does to every other girl. No matter how much I suppress my feelings … they keep coming back.

“Fine. I’ll tell him today.” Lexi squeals and I pull the phone away from my ear to prevent damage to my ear drums.

“You go girl. Just remember I’m on your team, alright? Team Dani!”

“You do know his name is Danny, too. Right?”

“You ruin my fun.”


Riiiing. The bell sounds the end of the school day. Not only that, but also it signals the battle that’s about to begin. Here I am, standing in the middle of the walkway that leads to the school building. In front of me stands Daniel Sanders, calm and collected as ever.

“Hi Danielle.”

“Hi Daniel.”


“Are you going there today?”


“Can I come with?”

“Yep.” He told me to keep his astronomy loving a secret. Not that I minded anyway. We always referred to the planetarium I kind of wanted to keep that smile for myself. He only smirked and grinned in school but those expressions were incomparable to the genuine smiles he had when he’d talk about astronomy. I guess you could say I’m head over heels for this guy.


We were sitting in our usual place in the planetarium: the floor. He said the lights look better from the center of the room, and he was right. We sat and admired the constellations that lined the walls. It was as if the universe revolved around us. In the planetarium, we were separated from the likes of society and were free to be who we really were: ourselves. And I was glad. Because of this planetarium I was able to get to know the real Daniel Sanders and I was able to fall in love.

“Hey Daniel?”


“I think I love you.”

I turned to look at him to see his reaction. It was one of surprise and anxiety. His eyes widened as he turned to look at me. When he saw that I was staring and waiting for an answer, he turned away quickly and stood up.

“Look, Danielle…” He brushed his hand through his dirty blonde hair and I couldn’t help but be attracted to that. I mentally slapped myself and continued listening to his words. “I can’t like you back. I’m sorry.” He stormed out of the room briskly and left me alone on the floor of the planetarium with the stars circling around me, separating from the boy I loved.


Every period I had with Daniel, I would try to get him to talk to me. I had no luck.

“Daniel, give me another chance!”

“Daniel, TALK TO ME.”

“Daniel, baby, speak to me.”


I used everything that I thought of and everything that Lexi recommended for me to say (make a guess which ones were my idea and which were her ideas). Neither worked. He was avoiding me like the plague and left me whenever he had the chance. In one class, he couldn’t leave my side because there were no more seats. Thinking I had him cornered, I tried to talk to him but he faked a stomach virus, clutching his stomach and falling to the ground. I didn’t think he’d stoop so low. I sighed and tried my best to pay attention in class while he limped out.


Lunch time the following school day.

“Aww Dani. Don’t worry! There’s plenty of other fish in the sea!” Lexi assured me.

“I know but … Daniel’s different, you know?”

“Dani… Just give up on him, it’s not worth it.”

“I’ll show him what he’s missing out on. He’ll see.”

“Wait what?” She choked slightly on the water she was drinking. I patted her on the back and made sure she was okay before continuing.

“I said I’ll show him. Come on, Lexi! He’ll cave in sooner or later.”

“I still think you should just give up on him. He’s not worth your time, Dani…”

“Hey girls.” A familiar figure sat down next to me. For a second, I hoped it was Daniel who sat down next to me like he did the last couple of days. Ever since I told him about how I felt, he’s been avoiding me like the plague.

“Hi Noah.”

“So I was wondering if you lovely ladies would like to come to my party this weekend?”

“A party? What for?”

“Just because.” I shuttered at those words that elicited fear every time I heard them together. Noah looked concerned after noticing my expression but continued anyway, “so do you guys want to come? It’s at my house.”

“Sure! We’d love to come. Right, Dani?” I managed to make out a nod.

Noah beamed with delight. “Great! See you guys then.” He gave my shoulder a rub before walking away.

“Listen, Dani. This will be a great chance for you to get over Danny!”

“I know but … it’s going to be my first party.” I said the last part in a softer voice.

“WHAT?!” Lexi’s voice practically caused the whole lunchroom to turn and look at us. I quickly dragged her out of the lunchroom, earning us some confused stares.

When we were in the hallway she asked me more quietly. “Your FIRST party?! Whoaaa. You’re missing out.”

“Sorry I’m not a go-getter.” I chuckled. “I was never fond of parties in the first place.”

“Well let’s go and get your mind off of Danny! I’ll be with you the whole time and teach you how to party.” She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively and I smacked her arm.

“Thanks, Lexi. You’re such a great friend.” Her smile faltered for a second before she looped her arm with mines.

“Okay it’s settled! We’re going to party like there’s no tomorrow on Saturday.”

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