10. First Dance

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Dedicated to sprittals98 for a great, fun read I Am Reese! You guys should check that out if you have the time because it is definitely cute, fun, and hilarious! 


“Dani, you HAVE to go. It’s the biggest dance of the year! It’s like the equivalent of senior prom … but for juniors!” Lexi was rolling on my bedroom floor, trying to convince me to go to the The Ball, an end of year dance for the juniors. It only happened once a year, exclusively for the juniors, so Lexi was practically begging me to attend.

“Lexi, I don’t know if I can. I have to ask my parents first.”

“Ugh! You’re such a goody goody.”

“Well I’m sorry for having parents who care about me.”

“I know I know. My parents just never minded things like this. I guess it’s because I have too many siblings? And you only have Lizzy.” She propped her head up on her elbow in thought. “Who knows. Anyway. You. Are. Going. To. The. Ball!” She tackled me and I didn’t have enough time to dodge. She started tickling me and I was slowly curling up into a self defensive armadillo position.

“Lexi- Lexi- stop- I can’t- breathe- ahahaha!!”

“Go to the ball with me!”

“What ball?”

We both stopped mid tickle.

“Hi Mrs. Davis.”

“Hi Lexi, Hi Dani. What ball?”

I gulped. “Well… there’s this dance every year at Central High for the juniors. It’s called The Ball and Lexi invited me to go with her since it’s a once in a lifetime thing.”

“I see…”

“Can she go, Mrs. Davis?” Lexi was giving my mom a puppy dog face and my mom took one glance at her before giving me a look that said, ‘what is wrong with your friend?’ I laughed at our unsaid conversation and my mom nodded.

“Sure. Just be responsible and no alcohol.” She glared at me, reminded of the memory.

“There’s no alcohol at school dances, Mrs. Davis.”

“Just making sure. Have fun, honey. When is it?”

“Next week.”

“Oh my gosh! Dani! Why didn’t you tell me sooner! You have to go shopping and find a date! There’s too little time, Dani! Dani you-”

“Calm down, Mrs. Davis! I’m pretty sure there’s one guy who’s been waiting to ask Dani to The Ball.” Lexi wiggled her eyebrows suggestively and nudged me in the arm. “And as for the dress, we’ll go tomorrow after school. No worries.”

“Okay then. You girls have fun.”

“We will. Thanks, mom.”

I didn’t tell my mom or my dad about my relationship with Daniel. I couldn’t find the opportunity to. Since this dance came up, I was thinking I could introduce Daniel to my parents when we’d come home from the dance. I was beyond excited.


“Did he ask you yet?”

“No.” It’s two days before The Ball and Daniel didn’t even ask me yet. I kept giving him hints that I wanted to go but he showed no sign of wanting to ask me to go. I was kind of angry.

“What?! I’m going to go knock some sense into that- Heeeeey Noah.” She was about to get up and sat back down when Noah came over.

“Hi Danielle, Hi Lexi.” Noah smiled at us before sitting down at our lunch table. I looked around for Daniel but didn’t see him. “So Danielle. Are you going to The Ball on friday?”

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