19. First Dream

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 “So Miss Davis. What profession do you want to pursue once you leave Central High?”

“My parents wanted me to go to Harvard or to Princeton to pursue a degree in law.”

“I see. But what do YOU want to do?”

“I just told you-”

“You told me what you parents wanted you to do, Miss Davis.” I was speechless. “What do YOU want to do?”

“I… don’t know…” I never thought about that. What I wanted to do was what my parents wanted me to do. It was all the same thing. Most of the things I wanted to do were actually things my parents wanted me to do.

“Hmm okay. I’ll let you think about it for a little longer and you tell me what you want to do when you’re ready, okay?”

I thanked her and left the counseling office, deep in thought.

“Why don’t you become a hairdresser?” I did a spit take. “Sorry sorry!” Daniel patted my back and continued after he made sure I was okay. “But seriously. You’re so good at it. And you love doing your sister’s hair right?” I nodded. “Then what’s stopping you?”

“I already told you. My parents want me to be a lawyer and go to an Ivy League. If I have the grades for it, I might as well go for that-”

“But will you be happy?”


“Are you happy with the idea of being a lawyer?”

“I don’t know I never-”

“Exactly. You’re going into something, blind and ignorant to everything around you. You love doing people’s hair so that’s what you should do! Not becoming a boring lawyer. Sure, they make a lot of money, but is that money worth the happiness you’ll lose from not being a hairdresser?”

He was right. I didn’t respond and thought about what he said. Problem was, how would I tell my parents this?

“You WHAT?” My dad was infuriated. My mom had a similar expression on her face. My dad sighed and spoke again. “Dani, I don’t have a problem with you enjoying doing people’s hair. But that’s not a profession.”

“Sure it is, dad. They’re-”

“I know. But it’s not a serious profession. You don’t need a degree to do that-”

“Yes we do. It’s just not a college degree. There’s different degrees dad-”

“I know. It’s just … I don’t want to see you ruin yourself, honey.”

“Ruin myself? How does doing what I like ‘ruin myself’?! I’ll still earn money, I’ll still get enough to get by, I’ll still be living and happy. What’s wrong with being a hairdresser? Why do I have to be a lawyer?”

“Honey, your father just wants the best for you-”

“The best for me is what makes me happy! I appreciate you guys caring but- but it’s my life! I know that being a hairdresser won’t bring me as much income as being a lawyer but I- ugh!”

“Danielle Louise Davis you will listen to me and do what I want you to do or get out of this house!”

“Fine!” I stormed out of the house and ran. I was headed straight for Daniel’s place.


“Hey- whoa whoa.” He greeted me at the door but I pushed past him and went into his room.

I peeked my head out to greet his mom, “Hi Mrs. Sanders!”

“Hey Dani sweetie!” she yelled from the living room. She appeared to be watching something interesting.

I plopped myself down onto his bed and grunted in annoyance.

“Is the the sound a fair maiden is supposed to be making?” Daniel smirked while walking over to his bed.

“Shut up.”

“What happened?” He laid down next to me and I scooted over to make room.

“I told my parents about wanting to be a hairdresser. My dad didn’t fancy that idea and told me to listen to him or get out.”


“Yep.” He didn’t know how to respond and I didn’t either. We sat looking at the ceiling of his room in silence.

“Do you want to look at the projector?” He got up from his bed and took out the projector. He turned it on and turned the lights off so we could get a better view. Then he laid down again by my side. I turned to cuddle into his chest.

“Daniel, what did you say to the counselor?”

“I said I wanted to become an astronomer and that I was going to go to college in state.” He sighed. “If you become a hairdresser, we could still keep in touch while I’m in college and you’re working. Once I get my degree and a job, we could get our own house and start living together. Then we could have kids and-”

“Can we name them Cameron and Farrah?”

“What? Why?”

“Because those are sexy names for our sexy children.” He raised his eyebrows at me and I shrunk. “I got the names from a book, okay?” He chuckled and pulled me close again.

“We’ll get things solved one thing at a time, okay?”


Bzzt Bzzt.

Daniel reached for his phone and read the message.

“Who is it?”

“Danielle, it’s Lizzy. She said your parents are wandering the streets looking for you. I think you should head back.”

“Dani! You scared us!” My mom was sobbing and I hugged her.

“Sorry mom.”

“You just ran out on us! We couldn’t find you when we chased after you we thought you - you were kidnapped or something! Dani we were so worried-”

“I’m sorry, mom.”

“I didn’t mean what I said, honey.” I turned around to face my dad. His face looked tired and beat. “I’m sorry, honey. You can be whatever you want. I was just worried about your future but I guess I was just making you stressed from the pressure. It’s just a shame to let your brain go to waste-” My mom hit him. Hard. “Ow! I’m sorry Dani. Can you come back home?”

“No.” They looked surprised and scared. Daniel gave me a flat look. “I’m joking, I’m joking. But can Daniel stay the night?”

“Sure, honey. As long as you come back home.”

“I will. Thanks mom, dad. And I’m sorry for worrying you guys.”

We started walking back inside my house. Once we were inside, my dad asked, “So when’s the wedding?”


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