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Before Nick and I make it to the park, Dylan calls me. Reluctantly, I answer and he starts off before I get to utter a word, "Hey, where are you right now?"

"Nick and I are on our way to the park. Why?" I snap, my aggravation and stress thickening my voice.

"I'll meet you there." He abruptly hangs up the phone, agitating me even more that my time with Nick will be interceded by his father. Not to mention my plan to think through the thoughts already running laps in my head will be interrupted.

Nick breaks my silence. He notices the upset in my voice and on my face, "Who was that, Mommy?"

"It was your Daddy." I soften my expression attempting to hold back the torrent of emotions. The frightening events and stress of my failing marriage are wearing my strength very thin. "He's going to meet us at the park." I give him the best smile I can summon so that he will lose the anxiety of seeing me on the brink of breaking.

I pull into an empty parking space and Dylan is already there, waiting by a stone table.

Nick squeals in his car seat, "Daddy!" He kicks his legs before unbuckling and running to his father's arms. After the quick hug and kiss, Nick is off on the playground.

Dylan motions me to come closer so Nick won't hear our conversation. "So, there is something brewing and our boss has signed a contract with the government to start production on some new equipment. The only catch is that we would have to move to be near the Pentagon. When they told this to us, I told them that I wouldn't go because my son is here, and they let me go. Just like that. So I feel I needed to tell you what was going on. I can be with Nick for a couple of days and start looking for another job on Monday." I study his expression closely as he proceeds, "Karla signed with them. They offered her more money and she took it. She's angry at me because I won't go with her. She was already mad at me before the meeting. I don't think she and I are together anymore. She can't handle that I choose to put Nick before her." He shakes his head and looks down at his feet.

My voice sounds sorrowful, though really I'm not, "Sorry to hear that." I find it extremely difficult to hide my smirk. "That's fine, you can watch Nick for the rest of this week. I think Patricia may need a couple of days from babysitting. The problems in the war have hit close to home. She's mourning Richie's death again."

"Oh. What exactly is going on over there?" He knew there were problems, but I guess he has had his blinders on as well.

Trying to stay calm I explain what I know, "Thousands of soldiers have been killed. Allies to our enemy have come to help them with more powerful weapons. They're wiping out our military with suicide bombers and have even gained control some of our naval ships. I'm afraid we're losing the war, Dylan."

The color in his face pales. "So my buddies that chose to sign today will probably be right in the middle of it." He stares into the tree line behind me, realizing what his decision has saved him from.

I try to offer some hope, "We don't know that. The fighting is over there, they'll just be building the weapons. They will probably call a draft and get more people over there to deal with the problem. It'll probably be over soon." This isn't helping Dylan, he's still young enough to be included in a draft.

He speaks in a far-away tone, "We should probably go home and watch the news tonight. I need to know what else is going on."

Dylan walks to Nick and asks him if he wants some McDonald's. Nick jumps from his perch and walks with his dad to the pick-up. Nick brings my distant thoughts back to hope and normalcy.

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