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Dylan looks up when I walk in, confusion and concern crossing his face, "What's up with you? Are you planning my execution or something?"

I realize my demeanor has changed and I have a genuine smile on my face. "No, I just found what I was looking for." His expression becomes more bewildered as I drift by him and sit next to Nick. "Nick, sweetie, will you get ready to go to Patricia's house for a couple of hours? Daddy and I are going to go to the store to get some stuff."

"Okay, Momma." He jumps from his chair and runs to his room, emerging in a mismatched outfit of bright orange shorts and a red and green striped top paired with brown sandals. I scoop him up with a kiss and carry him out to Dylan's truck to buckle him in. Dylan joins us, starting up the engine and I slide into the passenger seat.

As we leave our street I see a car parked at the corner, the face of Karla staring me down. She pulls behind us, honking her horn repeatedly. I shake my head and look out the window at the row of houses outside of my window, biting my nails and feeling mortified. Dylan puts the truck in park and goes to her car. Their muffled voices draw my attention and I look back through the rear window. From their hand gestures and body language, she's not happy that I am in the pick-up and he is trying to get her off of his back. He walks back toward the front of the pick-up, slamming the door as he gets in. Her car flies past us and quickly turns down a residential street.

"Daddy, who was that?" Nick watches her car whisk down the road.

Dylan's face turns red with embarrassment, "That's just one of my buddies, son. Just one of my buddies."

"They shouldn't honk at you unless something is wrong." Nick states matter-of-factly as he turns his attention back to his toys. My son's innocence warms my heart.

"You're right, son. I will tell my buddy that when I see them next." His voice bends to our son as he puts the truck in drive.

As we continue down the blocks to Patricia's house, Dylan is continually looking into his rear view mirror. As he pulls into Patricia's drive, Karla's car again speeds past, passing through the intersection without hardly slowing down. He sighs and puts his head on the steering wheel. I laugh as I open the door, no need to say anything, karma is doing it for me.

I gather Nicholas and walk to Patricia's front door. The way she was yesterday is on my mind and I wonder if her spirits have improved. I ring the doorbell and the door slowly opens. She's been crying recently. She smiles as she sees Nicholas. I watch her character change as she takes Nicholas in her arms and hugs him tightly. As she closes her eyes, holding him snugly, I almost see that she's holding him as if he were Richie. Her eyes seem to look through him, searching for the soul of her child. As if he senses this affection, Nick holds her tight as well. This is a good thing for her. Nick will help to pull her back to happiness as he has for me. At his young age, he has such an amazing talent to save others from the brink of madness. He's there to guide us back to sanity and where we need to be.

I gently break into the tender moment, "We shouldn't be too long. We are going down to the grocery store and the hardware store. If you have an AM/FM radio, you can get some information if you want to."

"Actually, Lena, I am just going to soak up the love from this little bundle of happiness right here and let the world deal with me later. Take all the time that you need." She smiles, tickling Nick, getting him giggly before setting him down. "Thank you for bringing him to visit, I need it."

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