Chapter 26

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Evan's previous research, combined with the study of the samples we've accumulated in the last few days, have already yielded a pattern in the cell replications. He's beside himself with excitement when I enter the lab. His hair and dark circles under his eyes tell me he has not slept the previous night.

He's smiling a maddening smile, "This find is massive, Lena! You need to come and see this, I am so close right now."

He smiles ecstatically, trying to explain to me the clinical finds he's made. I smile and listen without knowing half of what he is telling me.

Quietly I lay my hand on his shoulder and ask, "Evan, I think you need to get some sleep. You don't look like you can stand another minute."

Brushing away my concern he quickly retorts, "Let's go get some coffee. I'm hungry too."

He grabs my hand and pulls me through the door. We walk down the halls and he continues to describe the major find that he was missing when he was at med school. He's talking more than I've ever heard him talk before.

His jubilation is contagious, "So what do we do now? Do you know what to do to cure the disease then?" I'm feeling more hopeful of the conclusion to this living nightmare.

His smile fades a couple of inches, "Not quite. You see, I had to find what alleles were being affected and what was altering them. Since I've located them, I now have to find the right chemical that it is using to replicate the code. Once I have that, then it's just finding the right chemical compound to end that replication. Lena, it's an extraordinary find! And I wouldn't have done it without you." He pauses in the hallway, bringing me close into his body, kissing me softly, "Thank you."

He smiles that grandiose smile and I can't help but return it. We continue to the cafeteria, hands clasped, not caring about the stares, whispers, and scrutinizing looks.

Lucius calls out across the room, "Evan! Lena!" As we acknowledge him, he motions for us to come to his table, "Well this is a pleasant surprise. I haven't seen you both since we were in the basement a few nights ago. I did hear about the first infected brought in. A success bringing it in, I understand. But what happened to her? I hear she met a pretty gruesome demise."

I raise my free hand, "It was an accident. One of the restraints broke and she grabbed my supply table. She did herself in."

He looks at Evan questioningly, then in my direction and nods, "I see. And how are Kay and Chad? Are they assisting you well in your study?" He's still personally connected to them, it's written all over his face.

Evan rocks back and forth, his enthusiasm spilling over, "It's going spectacularly well, Lucius. I have isolated the cell replications that harbor the virus. Now I have work within the chemical compounds to perform. It's going exactly where we want it to go. It may not take as long as we expected to find the beginning of the cure." His smile beams charmingly.

Lucius claps his hands in pride, giving Evan a warm embrace, "My boy, I cannot wait to see what you can do. Lena, I'm glad that you have found a place that you are comfortable in. I hope you find peace in what comes your way." He sits before his breakfast again and we depart for the food line.

His last remark stirs in my mind. What comes my way? What does that mean? I scoop eggs and meat onto my plate, no longer caring anymore about the gruesome sights I've seen the last two days, remaining in contemplation.

Evan and I enjoy an undemanding conversation about music we listened to before. He enjoys the classic rock and grunge from the 90s. I have a much larger repertoire of musical enjoyment spanning from baroque to the more recent hits from earlier this year.

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