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I awake to the sound of something moving in the trees outside. Fear hits my chest and I sit up to see Dylan wide eyed and preparing to attack. People are whispering to one another as they come closer to the front entrance. I can't tell what they are saying, but they don't seem to be in exact agreement. Dylan grabs a lonely two by four from one of the empty stalls and arms himself like Babe Ruth. A man with thick, curly hair sticks his head through the brush then jumps back at the sight of the major league stance. Dylan is ready to swing a home run.

"Sorry, we didn't know anyone was in there," the young man clamors through his quickened breaths. "May we join you just for tonight? Please, we won't do anything to hurt you."

Dylan rests the board on his shoulder, wiping his face. He thankfully accepts their request, "Yeah, come on in."

He gives me a look of relief and I turn to see our new company. The curly haired young man steps through first and nods his head waving nervously at Dylan. He's tall and thin, his hair a rusty red, and his brown eyes stay wide on Dylan. A petite, frail looking young lady with cropped black hair steps in behind him.

"We're so sorry we scared you," she looks down at Nick, understanding why we are so defensive. "We've just been walking forever and I wanted to sleep somewhere other than in a field or tree."

Dylan extends his hand to the startled young man, "Sorry for the scare."

"You're cool, man. I understand." He starts to relax a little and sits on the ground, the young lady rests in his lap.

"I'm Amy, this is my husband Russ." He waves nervously again, darting his eyes to the dirt. "We're getting away from our apartment in the city. Lots of people are getting sick. They're just going crazy and attacking other people too. It's spreading crazy fast! They shut down the main interstates and have quarantined most of the larger towns. We decided to leave before we got closed in. Of course, the people at the diner yesterday said there was more going on. Some people think the soldiers have waged biological warfare on us to make everyone sick and act like this."

"Considering their present agenda, mass genocide doesn't seem too far-fetched. Let us kill each other so they can tell the UN they don't have our blood on their hands."

Dylan let the words hang in the dense air. We look forlorn at one another with the disturbing thought of a crazed attack from within our own communities by our own neighbors. My mind travels to the store and how people were acting toward one another there.

Dylan breaks me from my thoughts, "On that note, I think it's time to go to bed. We need to get up early and get away from here as quick as we can." We all nod in agreement and settle into our resting positions.

Nick has remained asleep throughout the arrival of Amy and Russ. I'm so thankful for that. How could I explain to him what's going on had he heard the details? As I lay there I feel the first twinge of aching fear of being consumed by this disintegrating world.

A shudder quivers through my muscles at this profound knowing and I feel Dylan put his arms around me, pulling me close to his body. This is such a strange feeling to have him this close again. I can't recall when he had held me so tenderly. His touch seems so foreign to my skin. I almost pull myself away, but I purge the awkward feeling and whisper a prayer as I drift off to sleep.

God, please save Nicholas from seeing anything of this disease or getting sick...


I'm running. I don't know where I am, but I know I'm running to Nicholas. The closer I get, the farther his voice seems to be. I run to a clearing and see him standing before a large crowd of people. They look strange to me. Their skin is yellow with strange, distant looks upon their faces. Nick turns. He waves and brings a large man to the clearing to stand by him. I don't see the man's face, but the light shines into his eyes and the green hue is unmistakable. I call for Nick to come to me, but instead, he runs into the crowd. I begin toward him and fall into a pit. Those eyes stay on me as I fade into the darkness.


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