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We pull the boards off the doors, and the splintering of the weathered wood is satisfying to feel break away. We proceed into the lobby where the dilapidation of the room is minimal. The vinyl couches are still angled in the room near an old radio, and dated magazines and papers cover the floor coated with dust and mouse droppings. It feels like stepping back in time, or into an old Hitchcock movie. The plain walls make the faraway corridors look as if they are in an old black and white. I expect a creepy, tall, thin man with pale skin to appear from around any of the corners.

The older gentleman with blue eyes walks to the reception desk, turns and addresses the crowd, "Is there anyone that does not want to stay here? If you don't you are free to leave. I do feel like this will be a safe place for now, but I will not make any decisions for anyone." We look around to each face and back to the man leading the discussion, "Ok, then is there anyone that can possibly get the generators up and going or know if they will really work?" He is a man of average height with silvery gray hair and sharp blue eyes. When he smiles at each of us, his eyes seem to dance and I don't resist the feeling to smile back.

Another man raises his hand and steps toward the gentleman, "I can. I am an electrician. I'll need some people to help me with the machinery and labor. I'll also need to see if the tools I need are in a maintenance closet. If it is operable, I can get it running."

A thin woman with short red hair and pale skin chimes in, "There was a maintenance shed on the side of the second building. I saw it when we were looking around."

The old man shakes her hand and turns to the electrician, smiling brightly, "Very well then, thank you. What's your name, son?"

The electrician replies, reciprocating the smile, "Alexander, sir." He has a round face and dark brown hair. His stature is shorter than average and his choice of camouflage clothing, sidearm, and knives suggests he's a hunter.

The old man continues to direct our small group, "Is there anyone willing to help Alexander to get the generators going?" He looks around and smiles as three young men raise their hands and step forward.

An older man steps in the circle, raising his hand, "I can get the water going. I saw a pump to a well out on the property. The maintenance shed probably has the tools I'll need to get it running again. I can't tell you the quality of the water at first, but I can get it running." He's not much younger than the older man, though he stands just a bit taller. He has dark gray hair, a mustache, and big brown eyes behind thin rimmed glasses.

The old man smiles, clasping his hands together, "Wonderful! I like to think it would be better than water from a stream or puddle. And what is your name son?" I can't help but smile at his light-hearted excitement. It's like a refreshing rain after a long drought.

"Walter, sir. I'll also need a couple of people to help me." Immediately, two young men step forward, one being the acne afflicted boy. They all shake hands and leave out the front doors bent on making things a little better while we're here.

The older gentleman picks up his large bag and another bag full of food, addressing the remaining group, "Very well, let us get started, shall we? Let's go find a place to bring our food supply together and share our provisions."

I drift off to myself, wondering what Dylan would do if he would have made it here. Would he offer to help with the electric or the plumbing? I visualize him stepping forward and the old man being glad to accept his help and I smile. My mind is wandering frequently. I'm having trouble distinguishing my visions from reality.

The old man continues to address the crowd, "We can make this work, making this a safe haven for now. It's very nice to meet you all. My name is Lucius."

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