Chapter 1 : Holy Red Wine

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"Excuse me!" 

Detective Valentine Fetcher turned around and saw a pretty blonde.  Must be the reporter from some Network, Channel, TV, or whatever. 

"Are you Detective Fetcher?" she asked. 

Oh please, I'm not good with the press.  "And you are?" Fetcher raised an eyebrow, wondering why the police even let her into the station. 

"I'm Genevieve Eastoft."  She shot out her hand so quickly that Fetcher had no second thought but to shake with hers. 

"Nice to meet you, but I've got a crime scene to go to." 

"Can I tag along?" 

What did she say?  Fetcher couldn't believe what he was hearing. Is she out of her mind? 

"I...uh Captain Haynes told me to come to you?" 

Haynes told her?  Fetcher suddenly remembered that he was gonna have a new detective on the team since the previous one had resigned due to being seriously injured.  "Oh, I'm so sorry, Detective Eastoft.  You could've just let me know." 

Right at the moment, Detective Elizabeth Chase walked over to them.  She was easy recognizable.  Her bright orange red hair was her symbol. 

"Guys, there's a murder scene out there!"  She eyed the new detective, "I'm Elizabeth Chase. Just call me Chase. You must be the new detective!"  

Chase seemed to be a very friendly person.  It was like she could easily make friends with anyone.  Well, it was just the false impression that she tended to give others when they met for the first time.

That blonde smiled sweetly, "Call me Jane. My friends call me Jane."  She will definitely be in the spotlight.


Fetcher, Chase, and Jane arrived at the crime scene five minutes later.  It was a restaurant.  Outside the Polymeria, Greek, restaurant were police cars, police, and investigators.  Fetcher pulled up the crime-scene-don't-cross line and motioned them to get into the restaurant.  

The body was on the ground.  In the kitchen there was a pool of blood poured out from the victim's head. Squatting beside the body was a blondie, a guy. 

Chase seemed to know him, "You!" 

The blonde guy raised his head to look who was calling.  As he saw her, he waved a little, and then he went back checking the body. 

"You're the technician in the lab! You do the coroner's job, too?" 

The guy chuckled, "I try to help whenever I can."  He then quickly put his smile away and put up a serious face, " defense wounds on his face. It seemed that he slipped, cracked his skull on the counter, and fell onto the ground.  I believe Cedric will elaborate later."

"Sorry, I'm late." 

Out from the front door barged in a young man.  His blonde curly hair looked like a birdnest.  He, the whole person, looked like he had just waken up and dashed here. 

"Who are you?" he asked with surprise once he saw Jane. 

"I'm Genevieve Eastoft.  Who are you?" she greeted back, bracing herself. 

"I'm Detective Seabury Donnter.  Miss, you shouldn't be at the crime scene.  I need you to leave now." 

Jane laughed, "So you're my partner!" 

"Excuse me?  I'm your wha-ah!  Right, right.  Detective Genevieve Eastoft, my new partner.  How can I forget it?" 

Fetcher rolled his eyes, "Not surprised.  You always forget things."   He totally forgot that earlier he too had forgot who Jane was. 

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