Chapter 10 : Haunted

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The noise was unbearable.  He got pushed and slid to the side walk.  He couldn't move.  His left leg was sprain.  He was in pain, so much pain.  He saw the medics coming with the ambulances. He wanted them to come over, but they rushed to elsewhere. 

"Time of death.  11:13."

Fetcher woke up, three months after the accident.  He put on his clothes, brushed his teeth, cleansed his face, and then rushed downstairs. 

"Kids, get up!  Get up!  It's Chase time." 

And it was also Halloween time.  Friday was the new weekend.  In this moment, no one really had that mood to work or study.


Good Samaritan Hospital was as tidy as ever instead of Chase' ward which was decorated by Reign and Cameron, in the theme of Teen Wolf.  This was the first time that Fetcher was allowed to visit the ward under two kids' supervision. 

"Alright.  Who are these?" he referred to Scott's pack on the wall, "I thought you were gonna make this ward into a haunted room by using black garbage bags and spider webs and unknown person's donated blood possibly with HIV." 

"HIV doesn't sound that cool, Dad!" Reign hopped onto the bed as Cameron giggled. 

"It's still weird that you call me Dad." 

"You can dress up as his dad this Halloween." Cameron suggested, putting a weird-symbol ring on Chase' finger. 

"That's not cool either, man." Reign shook his index finger with exactly the same ring, "My dad got an arrow through his heart." 

"That's pretty novel!  I think I can do that!" Fetcher shook his head violently like an uncontrollable tornado, "I don't think I can do that." he pointed at the posters on the wall, "What are these guys doing here?" 

"These are not just any guys!  They are hot guys!" Cameron emphasized. 

"I take it that it's your idea?" 

Cameron cocked his head to a side like a puppy, "Why would you say that?" 

"Umm...because I know my son and he loves hot guys?" 

"Oh, that one's good." Reign clapped his hands, laughing, "But it's actually mine."


Fetcher walked into the LAPD police homicide department with a fake arrow fake poking through his heart.  This masterpiece was made by his sons, Cameron and Reign.  Yes, today he had two sons. 

"This is crazy." he murmured. 

"Brilliant, Fetcher." Captain Haynes suddenly appeared, "We can wear our costumes to the crime scenes!  I'm Captain Hook!" he showed Fetcher his hook and pointed at his pirate hat. 

"Do we really have to do this every year like some idiots?" Fetcher sighed. 

"It's our tradition!"


Fetcher lifted the crime-scene-don't-cross tape and looked up.  In front of him was a huge deserted house with broken windows. 

"No electricity inside.  Prepare your own flashlight, Detective!" a police officer warned as Fetcher nodded to him a thank-you. 

Before Fetcher pushed open the old moth-eaten wooden door.  It creaked open by itself.  A gust of chill wind came out of the darkness.  He stepped into the house right before the front door slammed shut. 

"The heck?" he put on his gloves, trying to turn the knob but it wouldn't give in. 

It was lock. 

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