Chapter 30 : Guilt Of Heaven

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"Fuck!" Chase cursed loudly while she walked near, disturbing the morning peacefulness.

Fetcher spilled the milk on his shirt due to shock, "Oh, great!"

Cam was buttering a bun.

Reign lifted up his head quickly, "Something interesting?"

"Yeah." Chase threw the newspaper on the dining table, "I'm on the headline!"


He showed up all of a sudden in the middle of nowhere.  

He got onto his feet, dusted off the sand, and looked down at his clothes.  

"Ugly.  Extremely pathetic!"

He wore a red based grid shirt and a pair of worn-out jeans.

He was on the roadside of a long deserted road.  The sun shone bright from the sky.

"A car." he laughed as he saw a rusted brown vehicle driving close.

He walked to the middle of the road and just stood there, watching that car.

The car stopped.

The man rolled down his car window and popped out his head, "Sir, do you need help?"

He stared at him, "Yes. Could you get out of the car please?"

The driver shook his head, laughing, "What? I mean, do you need a lift?"

He walked over and yanked opened the car door. "I told you to get out in a nice way."  He reached out his hand and dragged the man out of the car.

He got into the car and shut the door.

"Hey! That's my car!" the man looked at him desperately.

"How does this thing work?" he asked, turning the steering wheel.

The man frowned, "How does what work? Look! I can give you a lift, but just...please, you can't just drive my car away. I gotta--"

He made a gesture.  The man's eyes rolled back. He dropped onto the ground.

He tsked, "The art of only speaking what you are spoken to." banging on the steering wheel, "Okay. Now how do I make this thing move?"

He clapped his hands together as the engine started up.

"Good. Think I just found a way."

The car drove down the road into a vast of infinity.


People were gossiping when Chase walked into the department.  She tried to make herself invisible, blending into the background. She held her head low, gazed on the floor, and walked in a medium pace.

"Detective Chase!" Haynes called out at her.

Now everybody turned to look at her. The silence attention was the worst. 


Chase dragged her heavy strides into Captain's office. She closed the door behind her.

"It's not what it looks like." she sighed, sat in the chair.

"Huh?" Haynes raised an eyebrow.

Chase explained, "I didn't kiss him."

"What are you talking about, Detective?" he put some files on the desk, "I don't care about your private life."

Chase put on an unnatural smile, forcing words out of her mouth despite of embarrassment, "I'm just joking. 'Sup?"

Haynes passed one piece of paper to her, "Undercover in Colorado. Some drug business."

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