Chapter 28 : Optimus Melodiam

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Optimus Melodiam was a glee club summer camp at Lakeview Forest Home.  The campsite had a beautiful big lake and forests.  It was the best place for summer camps.  This year Optimus Melodiam had reserved the whole place.

After around two-hour drive, they arrived at Lakeview Forest home in two cars, fifteen people in total.

"Wow!  This place is beautiful!" Chase looked out the window and exclaimed loud, "I can't wait to go hiking!" 

"Huh?" Clarence made a weird noise, "I thought we were-"

"Oh, I can't wait, either!" Fetcher yelled in joy, covering Clarence' words with his volume. 

Cam leaned forward and whispered something into Clarence' ear.  Clarence laughed a little, shaking his head.


At the entrance of Lakeview Forest Home hung a huge banner saying Optimus Melodiam. 

"What does that mean?" Chase asked. 


"Joy!" Reign cut Raziel's sentence without doubt. 


"Exactly." Fetcher nodded in agreement. 

He parked the car in the parking lot.  So did Donnter. 

There were eight people got out of Donnter's SUV.  Chase wondered whether his car was that big.  She recognized Donnter (of course), Ethan (again, of course), Art (yet again, of course), Hunter the werewolf kid, and Bennett, Cam's boyfriend.  She had no idea who the hell other kids were. 

"Who are you kids?" she pointed at those three kids. 

Bennett put an arm around the brown hair girl, "She's my sister, Holland.  They are Amanda and Nash." 

Chase greeted them with a wave of hand, "Pleasure.  You guys like hiking as well?" 

"Hiking?" Hunter raised an eyebrow. 

But before anyone could say anything, marched in a group of teenage boys wearing navy blue uniforms.  They formed a formation, stood still, and started to sing.

"Der Hölle Rache kocht in meinem Herzen / Tod und Verzweiflung flammet um much her / fühlt nicht durch dich Sarastro Todesschmerzen / Sarastro Todesschmerzen" 

Their voice were clear and beautiful, just like angels from heaven.  Everybody was in awe, all except for Chase. 

They sang, "Aaaaaah...meine Tochter nimmermehr" 

Chase covered her ear with her hand, "The fuck is this!  I'm gonna sue you schoolboys for noise pollution!" 

"Zertrümmert sei'n auf ewig / alle Bande der Natur / Verstoßenn / verlassen / und zertrümmert / alle Bande der Natur / alle Baaaa....aaaaah.... / Bande, all Bande der Natur / Wenn nicht / durch dich / Sarastro wird erblassen / Hört / Rachegötter / hört der Mutter Schwur" 

Once they finished, everybody clapped in admiration, all except for Chase. 

She stared at them as if they had just murdered her grandmother, not that anyone had murdered her grandmother.  She hadn't even met her before. 

Reign approached the tenor who tried to pretend he was the Queen Of The Night.  "You are brilliant!  Amazing!" he shook hand with that blonde hair guy. 

Although he couldn't sing as high as a soprano, he could be the next Pavarotti.   "I'm Evan Cooper." he smiled at Reign. 

"Reign Jones.  What's your group name?" Reign asked, giving a warm smile to other uniformed guys. 

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