Chapter 19 : Red Lipstick

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"Morning, sleepy head." Fetcher set a tray on Chase' laps after help her to sit up, "Breakfast in bed!" 

"On couch." Chase yawned, rubbing her eyes, "And your couch sucks!" 

"You suck!" Fetcher passed her the cup of warm milk, "I told you to take the bed, but you said no.  I always tell you that and you always say the same." 

She laughed, putting the waffle into her mouth, "To this is me," she broke the second waffle in half and stuffed half of it into Fetcher's mouth, "And this is you."


"Remind me not to stay over at your home again!" Chase shut the car door. 

Fetcher called back, "I'll see you tonight, love!" 

She rolled her eyes, "In your wildest dream."


"Chasie!" Clarence arrived in the office at 8:30. 

Chase rolled her eyes again, "Can you be any gayer?" 

Her eyes hurt.  Probably she shouldn't have rolled her eyes as a favorite workout. 

Ever since they came back from Terranea Resort, Clarence started to act like he was gay.  Donnter was pretty happy about that though.  It wasn't like anything had ever happened between them.  There hadn't.  At least that was what Chase knew. 

"I'm not gay." 

"Sure you're not." Donnter caught Clarence' shoulder.  He turned him around and kissed him on the mouth for public display affection. 

"Please don't!" Haynes warned as he walked by, "Office romance is highly restricted."  

"The weird nickname Chasie is also off limits." Chase chimes in with annoyance.


The victim was lying in the bed as if he was sleeping.  He wore lipstick, red lipstick. 

"Is...that?" Chase raised an eyebrow at Art, who happened to be here assisting Cedric, once again. 

"Yes.  That's called lipstick, something you've heard of but never really seen." Art chuckled. 

Chase rolled her eyes.  Damn her eyes hurt!  She really should stop doing this. 

"This is Chase." she pointed at herself, "Someone you see everyday but will never get." 

"That one's good!" Jane laughed, walking near the body, "That's Lancôme's L'Absolu Rough." 

"English, please?" Donnter took over an evidence bag from a CSI. 

"The absolute red." Chase translated. 

"I thought you knew nothing about..." Donnter trailed off. 

"Lipstick?" Art suggested. 

"  French." 

"Ten points for both of you." Chase faked a smile, "I know nothing about those two things, but it just sounded like that. So," she clapped her hands together, "C.O.D., pretty boy?" 

"That's my inability.  I don't know.  Hmm...probably poison?  No, no.  I can't say.  I don't know." Art's expressions had changed a thousand times in that eight seconds. 

"Definitely your inability." Ethan stood up and walked over, grabbing Art's crotch, "Here!" 

"Hey!" Art laughed embarrassed, "You don't know that." 

Chase advertised, "How about seven o'clock at Clarence?  He'd love to personally evaluate your condition." 

Clarence gave Chase a middle finger, "I'm not taking the job." 

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