❝oh my disney❞ » chapter seven

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"A jealous female can be tricked into anything." - Peter Pan

        THE GIRL PLAYING WENDY was starting to really get on my nerves. 

        Aside from Rachel, who'd known me since the second grade, I'd never really had great luck getting along with other girls. Not that my track record with boys or anyone else was really all that spectacular, either - but it'd be an understatement to say that I wasn't the greatest when it came to being friendly. The only people who'd ever warmed up to me (for this, read; people who are annoyingly persistent and loyal beyond belief) were Max and Rachel - and even Jamie and Kiera were constantly saying hi to me as they passed my dressing room - simply because they wouldn't give up on being friends with me, no matter how much I pushed them away, as I usually did with everyone else who tried. 

        So when Max invited me to meet the girl who plays Wendy Darling with him every day, I could already tell that it wasn't going to end well. 

        My history with Wendy and Peter Pan aside, I'd seen Grace around the park many times before, prancing around the park with Tink and Hook, flirting with the male employees when she thought no one was listening and flaunting a fake British accent with pursed lips. She was a blatant disgrace to Wendy's character, and if I wanted to be Wendy before, I certainly didn't want to anymore. Max could have her, for all I cared. And I didn't. Care, I mean. But, evidently, she did seem to have a special liking toward Max that boiled my blood whether I wanted to admit it or not - and I definitely did not. 

        It all started when I was scolding Max for coming to see my show. "Are you out of your freaking mind?" I whispered harshly when the show was over and I dragged him outside - which he took some amusement in, only serving to aggravate me further. He'd stood there while I finished up my meet and greets, just watching and laughing whenever I said something stupid - which, unfortunately for me and my big mouth, was painfully often - and once everyone was gone, I didn't hesitate to grab his shirt sleeve and drag him to a nearby alcove outside where the actors sometimes went on break, fully prepared to give him a piece of my mind. 

        Max shrugged, a playful grin about his face. "What? You ran off so quick earlier, and I wanted to see you," he admitted, and my eyebrows narrowed.

        "That's not the point - as if I weren't already nervous enough, I didn't need you there to make things even worse-"

        "So I made you nervous?"

        Crap. "I didn't say that."

         Max smiled. "No, but you implied it."

         I pushed his arm. "Oh, cut it out. I just said that I was nervous in general - so don't flatter yourself."

        "Max doesn't need to flatter himself," Grace appeared at his side, draping her arm over his shoulder in her signature blue nightgown, looking particularly pleased with herself already. "But even if he did, he wouldn't need you to do it, now would he?" she asked in a sickly sweet tone, looking me over. She'd been acting like this ever since I'd met her - which probably meant that this was her usual behaviour. Whether my suspicions were correct or not, I knew for sure that she was not just 'staying in character'. I hated the fact that she was being such a disgrace to one of my favourite characters.

        (Not that I had a favourite - anymore, anyway.)

         Still, I didn't buy into her act for a second. "Was that supposed to be discouraging?" I asked in a bored tone, swinging my frying pan at my side.

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