❝oh my disney❞ » epilogue

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"Far better than any dream girl is one of flesh and blood - one warm, caring, and right before your eyes." - The Little Mermaid

        ALICE WINTERS couldn't find her boyfriend.

         She thought, possibly, that this might have something to do with how strangely he'd been acting lately. Ever since they'd arrived at the park, Max had been oddly quiet, even though he'd been dropping hints about wanting to go back to their old workplace for months now. She'd finally agreed (her only excuse before was that they were both too busy with schoolwork, but now that they'd both graduated college, she had little to no excuses for going back). She'd been reluctant at first, too, but had slowly gotten herself more and more excited to go back to the place where they'd met and fell in love.

        Now, though, she was starting to regret turning her back for even a second - one minute, she'd been tying her shoe, and the next, Max was nowhere to be seen. 

        Maybe Rapunzel had a legitimate reason for never wearing shoes - after all, if she had turned her back for even a second to tie one as Alice had, she could've missed the floating lights altogether. And what kind of happy ending would that be?

        A pretty lousy one, Alice decided. And Max is going to have an even worse ending if he doesn't cut it out and stop running off already.

        "Great," Alice muttered under her breath, stepping out of line. Maybe, she thought, this was Max's way of saying that he didn't want to go on the Peter Pan's Flight ride for a third time. Alice had insisted that they go on it again ("for old times' sake"), and had promptly gotten right back in line after the first time they'd rode. "What? I can't help it - you know this is my favourite ride," she'd grinned as she stepped behind a family with matching Mickey Mouse ears perched on their heads.

        Even though Alice hadn't been to Disneyland in over five years - she'd devoted her time to school after finally earning enough money to go to university - she knew every corner and every pathway like it was on the back of her hand. Alice had never understood that saying (which side of her hand was the back?) but the feelings were still the same. She felt a bit nostalgic as she wandered around, looking for her boyfriend among the crowd of families and groups. Searching for that one redheaded boy in a Buzz Lightyear sweater - just like the one she had on now - was difficult, to say the least. Alice took out her phone and typed out a message to him.

9.17, Alice Winters: The fireworks are about to start - where did you go?

9.17, Max Evans: Guess. ;)

9.18, Alice Winters: Max, I don't have time for this.

9.19, Max Evans: Then guess. ;)

        Stop sending my winky faces and tell me where you are, you dope, she replied, hitting send in a huff. In six years of being together, Alice had never tired of his shenanigans (they were daily and usually quite entertaining, even if they annoyed the hell out of her sometimes), and aside from a few late night fights over the remote or the last Reece's Peanut Butter Cup, they'd made for a lot of great Disney-filled memories, Alice's favourite of which being Max's introduction to Rachel.

        (There was a lot of screaming, hugging, and threats never to break Alice's heart. It was quite funny - and quite ridiculous - if Alice said so herself, but she loved them both too much to put it down.)

9.21, Max Evans: Guess.

9.22, Alice Winters: Stop that!

        Alice narrowed her eyes at the screen. She unzipped her Buzz Lightyear sweater as the sun intensified, wondering why in the world Max had been so insistent on buying them in the first place. It was nearly eighty-seven degrees out, and in a kind of heat like this (passing out kind of heat, to be specific) there was really no need for sweaters like this, no matter how cool the star command laser button was. Where are you? Alice texted back one more time.

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