Chapter Twenty-four

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I was awoken by light streaming through the large windows. It took a moment before I relised where I had woken up. I turned to my side as last night's memories come flashing back and was disappointed to find the bed empty.

I searched for my phone and was horrified when I relised I had 10 minutes until I was due to work.

I jumped out of bed and in lightening speed, I had made my way to the elevator and was making my way down a floor.

I rushed through the doors, greeted Marie and made my way to Marcus's office.

"Sorry I'm late"

Marcus looked up from his paperwork and into my eyes disapprovingly.

"Is the apartment not close enough for you, Miss Montgomery?"

My breath hitched, are we back to formalities.

"I'm sorry, it won't happen again"

Marcus had grabbed a large pile of paperwork from his desk and placed them into my arms.

"I want these proof read and amended before your break today" he spoke sternly.

Have I done something wrong? Perhaps I crossed a boundary when I asked him to stay with me last night?

"I'll get straight onto it, Mr McNelly".

Without further a do, I straightened my posture and made my way out of the office and to my desk.

Hours had passed as I busied myself in my work. It was almost 2pm, Marcus hadn't walked out of his office once. My stomach was grumbling and my back had started to ache from the constant position.

I'll have this done in no time. I won't let the boss down twice today.

The elevator doors flew open, as two large bouquets made their way to Marie's desk.

"For Miss Kylie Montgomery" the delivery guy spoke.

Marie pointed to my direction as a large grin crept onto her face.

The bouquets were huge. A dozen or so white roses were scattered throughout fresh greenery. They were absolutely breath taking.

In awe, I signed the delivery form and placed the bouquets onto my desk.

Who could these be from? I smiled.

Marie come rushing over as the man left the floor.

"Kylie has an admirer" she quoted, raising an eye brow in question. "Who are these lovely arrangements from?"

I opened the small card attached to one of the bouquets and was disappointed that both our questions hadn't been answered.

Beautiful flowers for a beautiful woman.

Could it be an apology from Marcus this morning? I thought.

On cue, the man on my mind had spoken. "Kylie, are you even trying to get your work done?"

My question had been answered, definitely not from the boss.

"Ye-yes sir, I have just received these flowers and was trying to figure out who sent them. I-ill put them aside until my lunch break".

He looked shocked, "you haven't had your lunch break yet?"

"Nn-no sir, I've been trying to finish my work"

"Don't be ridiculous, go on your break now, I'll see you in an hour".

My shoulders slouched as I made my way towards the elevator. I could see Marie's questioning glare though I brushed it off and smiled.

Out of view, the tears began to roll down my cheeks.

I straightened my posture and made my way to bottom floor. I would ask the front counter where I can find my best friend.

The blonde behind the counter eyed me over, "Kylie, is it? The new personal assistant?" She spat out.

"Y-yes it is, sorry I'm not sure we have met?"

"No we haven't met, I was curious as to who Mr McNelly's new toy was. Rumour has it, you have moved into the suite".

"Yes, completely personal but yes I have moved into the suite, though no I am most definitely not his new toy".

"All of you, assistants, are the same, 'no but he loves me. We are serious. La la la'. I've heard and seen it all, you and the next assistant don't mean a thing to him"

I was taken aback. Sure, we didn't have a thing at all, though it hurt because those were my exact same thoughts this morning.

"Can you just point me to what floor Sarah Broneff works on -- Shelly" I demanded, reading her name tag.

"It hurts doesn't it? I was once the personal assistant, sure it was great sex but definitely not worth the heartbreak when he throws you out like trash".

I didn't answer as I watched her flicker through the system.

"Sarah is on floor 10, accounts"

I once again made my way to the elevator, complete loss of appetite.

Sar will bring a better mood. I thought as I made my way up the floors.

The doors opened and I was surprised to find Sarah in sight. Sarah had turned my direction and beckoned for me to follow. She always had a way of reading my moods.

I had followed her into an office, where she had closed the door and engulfed me in a hug.

"Ky, what happened?" She whispered.

"Everything is a mess Sar" I broke down, soaking her blouse. "My ex is giving me a hard time, I've been threatened by Marcus's obsession, I don't even know where we stand, the whole building thinks I'm f*cking the boss".

"Ky, kylie, it's okay, you will get though this. You are strong" she cooed.

"Now start from the beginning Ky, we will sort this all out"

I did, I partially explained everything from my obsessive ex, Claires threats, moving into the suite and Marcus's mixed signals".

She was shocked, to say the least. Unable to give an answer.

Looking at the time, an hour had almost passed. "I actually have to get back to work Sar, we should catch up for another chat soon" I yelled over my shoulder as I quickly made my way out the door.

"Yes, call me as soon as possible" she replied as the elevator doors opened.

An unfamiliar face was present in the elevator. I looked down and read his name badge 'Josh'. Why does that name sound familiar?

I racked my brain before I was brought away from my thoughts.

"You must be Kylie -- Sarah's best friend?" He questioned.

That's where I heard the name. Josh, Sarah's boyfriend..

"Ye-yes I am. You must be the boyfriend I hear alot about?"

He giggled, "I'd hope so. Its nice to put a face to the famous Ky"

"Likewise" I smiled genuinely. "What floor are you off to Josh?"

"Floor 19.. I have to hand some forms to Marie. I take it you are heading to that floor too?"

"I am, lunch is over and now back into work". I huffed.. not too excited to see Mr Cranky.

The elevator dinged to signal it's arrival.

"I hope we can catch up some time and get to know each other a lot better" he spoke before taking a step out of the elevator.

"That sounds good". I agreed with a smile.

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