Chapter 12

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~ Felicity ~

Over the past week Tyler and I have been brainstorming ideas on how to get the gang off our backs.

I say 'our' because yes, I am knee deep in this bullshit now.

So far the only plan we've come up with that will actually work is having a decoy ring just in case they do find us and know we have it.


After about an hour of ring shopping TYLER finally found a ring that was 'suitable' for a decoy.

"Finally!" I exclaim, Tyler narrows his eyes ignoring me.

"I need to get a good decoy ring, okay? If we don't the whole plan can fall through," he explains with a roll of his eyes.

"Whatever, I'm bored... I wanna go home now" I whine with a small pout. Tyler looks down at me and smiles poking my bottom lip.

"well aren't you a little baby" he says with a smirk. I roll my eyes as we make our way out of the shop.

*2 weeks later*

Tyler decided that we needed to get out of the dorm and do something that wasn't gang related and I couldn't agree more.

For weeks we have been cooped up in that dorm room scheming and planning and trying not to lose our lives and I was so close to losing my mind.

"How's dinner?" Tyler asks, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"It's great, this is great!" I grin. Tyler grins back, I sit back taking in every inch of him. He's gorgeous and I can't help feel like tonight is some kind of date. I mean why else would you take a girl to an Italian restaurant??

"Oh I know we came out to get away from the gang talk but I have something really important to tell you... my gang leader has offered you protection for now, he can't offer it forever because you aren't a permanent member and I don't want you to be but this gives me a piece of mind for now..." My eyes widen at the news; I'm being protected by a gang? Wow I guess college did hold a lot of weird stuff for me...


At around 11pm we headed home after roaming the streets, chatting and enjoying each other's company.

We finally made it home at about 12am... yes it took us an hour to get home but I really wanted to finish the album we were listening to, don't judge.

"Well I hope you had a good night, Princess because I sure did," Tyler smiles, pecking me on the cheek.

"I had an amazing night, thank you"

Tyler opens the door and it was like a tornado had hit. The place was a mess, there were chairs turned upside down, the table had been flipped and all the cupboards were open.

"The ring." We said in unison staring into the dorm.

Tyler runs towards the kitchen cupboard digging around plates and cups for the ring.

"It's gone..." Tyler said, I look down at my finger... at the real ring. I knew they were going to come back looking for it but I never thought it's be this quick.

"I didn't think they'd come back so soon..." Tyler exclaims, confirming my thoughts.

"That's it first thin tomorrow morning you are coming with me to get trained at the headquarters!" Tyler yells, slamming the cupboard shut.

"Trained??" I question.

"Yes. Trained. I can't risk leaving you here unprotected and I can't always be by your side. So you need to know how to protect yourself." He says, coming to embrace me in a hug.

"Tyler, I can't miss anymore classes... I still need to pass this course" I murmur into his shirt.

"Fine, in the afternoon." Tyler sighs.


After classes I make my way quickly to my room to get changed.

"Hurry up." Tyler yells from his bed as soon as I run in the door.

"Don't rush me you, arse!" I hiss. I hear a small laugh come from Tyler as I slam the door.

I quickly chuck on a pair of tights and an oversized tee before chucking my cons on and running out.

"Took you long enough" Tyler smirks, I just ignore him... as usual.


The headquarters was... odd. It was just an old building in between a bunch of other old buildings but I guess being inconspicuous is the point.

"Okay, so don't make eye contact with anyone because I know you and you can't hide your facial expressions" Tyler says, in all seriousness. I roll my eyes and nod before following him in.

After about 3 hours of training I was finally ready to shoot a hand gun by myself. Tyler snickers as my hand begins to shake and I take in a shaky breath.

1...2...3... shoot.

"Bullseye!" I screech as I hit the red dot on the board. I turn to see a stunned Tyler as he looks from me to the board and then back to me again.

"No freaking way!" He yells, jumping up. I grin as he grabs me, spinning me around in a warm embrace.

"You really are one of a kind." He whispers before pressing his lips to mine.

Oh my gosh. He kissed me. Tyler is kissing me!

I wrap my arms around his neck pulling him closer as our lips move in sync. He finally sets me down and we just stand there looking into each other's eyes.

We turn at the sound of someone clearing their throat. My cheeks go a dark shade of crimson and from the looks of it so have Tyler's.

"Uhm... sorry boss" Tyler mumbles, avoiding eye contact. I let out a small giggle as I watch him squirm. I look up and notice his boss is also smirking, it must be a rare occurrence to watch Tyler squirm.

"Felicity is it?" I nod at Tyler's boss and he smiles.

"I saw you got a bullseye... that's pretty impressive for someone who's had 3 hours of training." He nods.

"What can I say... I'm a quick learner" I shrug, with a small smirk.

"Well it's people like you that we need on our side... so what do you say? Wanna become a permanent member?" He smiles. I'm shocked. No way would I ever think that I would be good enough for a gang.

I know it's not something to be happy about but oddly enough... I am.


WOW! Finally, back after over a year.

Well I hope I can keep this book going J 

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