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"I'm sorry about Tara," Stiles apologized to her dad after he had gotten in from work and they got back from the police station. "I wish that I could've saved her."

"I know kid," John nodded taking a drink of coca cola. "Tara always kept an eye out for you. Your mother really liked her."

"Yeah," Stiles murmured staring down at the table top. "She did help me and Scott with our math homework. I always annoyed her when she was working. I am sorry."

The sheriff wiped his eyes and finished his drink. He stood up from the table and stretched his arms out in front of him. Davina and Josh were in the front room talking quietly. "I'm going to sleep. My shifts starts in the morning. Make sure that I am awake."

"Okay," Stiles nodded and hugged her dad tightly. She pulled away and let him go upstairs. "This place."

"I know," Davina said walking into the room. "Tara was so nice to us. She told me about you being little and staying at the office after your mom passed on."

"Yeah," Stiles whispered drying her eyes. She looked at the clock seeing it was eight at night. "I'm going to Derek's. Maybe, he will talk to me. You two are going to tay here. Watch over my dad."

"We can go with you," Davina offered. "Help out. Make a plan."

"No," Stiles told her shaking her head. "You two stay here and watch my dad. Everything is alright. Scott and Derek wanted to talk about what they are planing to do. Derek may not want me there but i am going to be there."

"Take care of you and baby Mikaelson," Davina pleaded. "It's not just you that you have to worry about."

"I know," Stiles assured her grabbing her keys. "Me and the baby boo will be fine."

"Don't do anything stupid," Josh ordered, "We'll take care of your dad."

"Thanks," Stiles replied and left the house.

She shut the back door and went to her Jeep getting in. She backed out of the driveway and stopped rolling her window down. "Did you get it done?"

"The circle is complete," The short haired brunette told her and got in the Jeep. "Why did you decide to ask me for help?"

"Figured that you owed me," Stiles replied shrugging her shoulders. "Besides, you're the only human that would do this, Allison. You were my last resort."

"Right," Allison sighed. "You're right though. I just don't understand why you did that."

"Protecting my dad, Davina and Josh" Stiles answered honestly. "I don't want them in any danger. Did you know that your grandfather was going to take me? Or did you find out after I was taken?"

"After," Allison remarked. "I know that you won't believe me but it's the truth. I was just after Erica and Boyd. I wanted to get at Derek, take his betas. Gerard really got in my head. I was grief stricken over my mother and went overboard. I am sorry, Stiles."

"Apology noted," Stiles stated seeing Allison frown. "I'm not going to forgive you in a spilt second, I know you were hurting from your mother's death but you shouldn't have took it that far. You also had no right to call me a murderer." Allison opened her mouth but Stiles held her hand up. "Don't apologize again. I don't want to hear it. Just thanks for tonight."

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