"It's not every day such a beautiful woman falls for me"

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We have been at the bar and had a few drinks, not enough to get drunk, but enough to put a damper on my nerves, still not enough though that I dare go over and congratulate Tom, although Mary has pushed for me to do that.
"Come on let us go dancing." I take her hand and we get out on the dance floor, it's not that easy as it's a band playing dance music and not discotheque music.
I love dancing, though I'm not particularly good at it, but now that I've got a few drinks then at least I dare letting go a bit and relax enough to follow the music and forget the people watching.
This is actually fun and it has truly been the best night of my life, no matter what happens the rest of the holiday, nothing could spoil this trip for me.
I take Mary's hand again, we have been dancing for half an hour and I'm just about out of breath. "Come lets go sit down a bit again, I just need to catch my breath".
We head down between the tables, I walk looking back at Mary and talking about the different things I think we should do tomorrow.
"Sorry Sophia, but it's for your own sake." I look at her in confusion and then she gives me a push, my heels making it impossible for me to recover the balance, feeling myself falling backwards.
I am waiting to hit the floor, while I am wondering why the hell Mary just pushed me and what she meant, but I don't hit the floor, instead I feel something that obviously is a lap under my backside and a pair of strong arms catch me.
Oh shit typical me to land on someone, Mary owes me an explanation right now. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I stumbled".
"It's quite alright, are you all right darling ? You didn't hurt yourself did you ?" A warm deep voice says and this time I am quite sure that my heart stops, I can recognize the voice and I curses Mary far away, so that was her plan.
I swallow nervously and looks up, oh yes those piercing blue eyes, I am look directly into them, I would know them anywhere, no one else has exactly that blue colors, I am sitting on Tom's lap.
"No, no I'm okay, thank you for sitting here, I mean .. because you saved me." I can hear how stupid I sound and blushes.
He is clearly amused, his eyes is glinting and it pulls at the corner of his mouth. "No problem, it's not every day such a beautiful woman falls for me."
I am not able to make a sound and I just want to escape, as I can feel my cheeks get redder and redder, while the other people at the table is laughing.
"Hey you're from Denmark rigth ? Your friend was over here earlier, she told you are a Loki fan, Sophia right ?" He looks friendly and questioningly at me.
I'm trying desperately to find my voice, and it's really not easy, because my brain is in total meltdown, he can remember me, remember my name, I end up nodding and croaking something that should be a yes.
"Why don't you sit here for a while, I would like to hear more about Denmark." He lifts me without problems, putting me down on a empty chair beside him.
Why is he sitting so close to me? Shit, it occurs to me that I have my arms around his neck, I must have grabbed hold out of reflex when I fell and I remove them quickly. "Whoops sorry".
"It's fine, just relax and breathe, I promise I don't bite.. unless you ask me to." He says laughing, and I blush again like an idiot.
This is simply not understandable, and perhaps that's why I start to relax, my brain simply can't processes that it's true, also, I know I will regret if I just sit here and say uh and ah.
"Congratulations with the award by the way, it was a great speech, so passionate, it drew tears". I force myself to look at him, although that makes my stomach to make the wildest somersaults.
He smiles happily and it seriously feels like when the sun peeks out from behind a cloud and shines on you. "Thank you, it's nice of you to say, even though it wasn't my intention to make anyone cry."
"It certainly can't be avoided, it's just something about the way you speak and that you openly show your own emotions, it's so touching ". Uh yes I am starting to get warm, almost forgetting who I am talking to.
He chuckles and looks at me. "Yeah well, I might have gotten a bit emotional up there, I can't really run from that."
"You shouldn't, it's nice to see a man who isn't ashamed to show his feelings, at least you stayed on track and didn't get to nervous." I say and flashes a smile, something about him makes me feel much more comfortable already.
Now he really laughs, it is a carefree and happy laughter, that funny and a bit weird sound only Tom makes. "Oh lord, I will never live that speech down will I ?"
"Well I actually liked that speech, I know what you were trying to say, and I think it was so unfair all the bullshit you got from it." I see no reason to lie.
He looks happy. "Thank you, my nerves just got the best of me and it just came out all wrong. But what about you? What are you doing ?"
"I'm reading literature and philosophy at the university, but I want to make a living writing". It's actually not something I tell a lot of people, but I feel he will take me seriously.
He's actually very good to talk to, he's a good listener, his full attention is on me all the time, it makes you feel important. "Exciting, it isn't an easy career, but if you're truly passionate about it, then just fight for it."
I can not help but think, if I can use that as an excuse to throw myself at him, to sit here talking with him, does nothing to allay my feelings, now they are just accompanied by a burning desire to touch him.
"I'd better go back to Mary, but thank you for your time, it was truly a pleasure talking to you." it's almost half an hour later and I don't feel I can allow myself to take up more of his time.
I get up and he gets up simultaneously. "The pleasure is entirely mine Sophia".
I wanted to shake his hand, but suddenly he folds his long arms around me and hugs me instead, and it feels a bit like someone turns the world upside down and I closer my eyes clinging to him, more than repaying the hug.
It wouldn't be possible to describe how good it feels, he is warm and feels strong and he smells completely wonderful, masculine and slightly spicy,  I could spend the rest of my life right there in his embrace.

What dreams may come (a Tom Hiddleston story)Where stories live. Discover now