"What happened? I couldn't breathe, I really tried"

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* Mary POV *
Fuck this, they won't tell me anything about how Sophia is doing, I have to wait until Alexa arrives, she's on the plane now, but it will still be a couple of hours until she arrives.
Tom had a panic attack when I told him, and they had admitted him, his heartbeat was way too high and they were afraid that he would actually give himself a heart attack.
It may very well be what is called a broken heart, I feel sorry for him, I have no doubt that he loves Sophia, we have had time to get used to the idea, for him it must have been a shock without equal .
I know Luke has called in his family, he needs someone to support him right now, but it also means I'm sitting here alone until Alexa arrive.
I just hope Sophia's okay, that this wasn't the last and final attack, I'm not ready to say goodbye and both Alexa and Tom deserves to get to say goodbye too.

* Tom POV *
When I wake up I'm lying in a hospital bed, there are gauges glued to my chest, I look around confused and sees Luke, Ben and my mother there.
"Fuck Tom, you scared the shit out of us, you can never do that again." My sister Emma throw herself almost around my neck and hugs me hard.
I reciprocate the hug, we have always been very close. "What happened? I couldn't breathe, I really tried."
"You were pretty close to giving yourself a heart attack, they were going to restart your heart if the rhythm hadn't gotten back to normal quickly, it did thankfully." She looks worriedly at me.
Is this what happens when one's heart is crushed? I still feel like there isn't enough oxygen in the air, but at least I can breathe somewhat okay. "What should I do sis ?"
"We are going to get through this sweetie, you are strong, you'll be all right, but it makes me feel so bad, it's not fair." She hugs me again and I hide my face in her hair.
I glance towards Luke. "Is there anything new? Did they tell anything to Mary?"
"No, they won't say anything before her sister arrives, Mary has yelled herself hoarse at them, but they will not give in." Luke looks apologetically at me.
I can feel the tears welling up again, I just want to know if she is alive, that I at least get a chance to say goodbye, to tell her that I love her and that I forgive her that she said nothing about it.
"I'll talk to them sweetie, this is not okay". My sister gets up and I know that face, poor nurses, they're not going to know what hit them.
She hurries out and I brush the tears away from my cheek, my mom comes over and sits on the bed side, she tuzzles my hair. "I'm so sorry son, but you have to strong, don't slip away from us right?"
Is it possible to die from grief ? My mother knows that I could never do harm to myself, it is simply not an option for me, but I can see she's anxious for me.
"To be honest, I don't know what to do, I feel a little as if the earth has opened up under me and I am standing on a glass plate cracking up." I run my hand through my hair and pulls my knees up to my chest.
Ben sends me a soft smile. "We are here for you mate, just say if there is anything I can do, anything at all, and Sophie told me to make sure you get through this safely, and to kiss you from her, but that you just have to imagine".
My sister comes back in to the room right then, she looks smug and I know she has managed to get some info out of them, my sister is like a forcenof nature when there is something she wants.
She comes over and sits on the edge of the bed and takes my hand. "She's still alive, but she's in a coma right now, they don't know if the attack has done harm or if she wakes up again."
And there it comes again, I can't breathe, it's as if it gets stuck as a knot in my neck and chest and I can hear the machine go completely crazy with beeping sounds.
My sister keeps stroking my cheek and talk to me, and I really try to relax and breathe properly, but it doesn't work and then I hear the door open and people come running inside, right before everything goes black again.

What dreams may come (a Tom Hiddleston story)Where stories live. Discover now