"And shouldn't we let Disney princes rescue the princesses ?"

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I lie in my bed and cry softly, I don't mean for Mary to hear me, she'll just be worried, I just feel so stupid, why am I this silly and feel this way? Why can't I just fall for an ordinary guy?
I shake my head, and what just happened in my brain? Why did I kiss him? Duh, of course, because his lips were so compelling that I couldn't help it.
At least I'll always have the memory of how warm and soft his lips felt against mine that brief moment.
I've heard Mary rummaging around inside the living-room, now it sounds as if their is a knock on the door and Mary rummaging around again, she has probably ordered room service.
I can hear soft voices and seconds later there is a soft knocking on my door, it must be Mary wanting to hear if I wants something. "No, thank you Mary, I don't want anything."
"Are you absolutely sure?" Hey that is certainly not Mary's voice, but it sounds familiar, I sit halfway up and see the door open, a shadow slipping inside, an excessive shadow.
I'm about to panic, but comes to the realizations that Mary's wouldn't let some rapist in, wait maybe I am asleep and it's a dream?
"Sophie, I want to talk to you." The voice is gentle and the person comes closer, okay now I am quite sure that I am dreaming, I might even have had this dream before I think.
"Okay about what?" I sit up fully, still confused, this is a dream, it just have to be.
He sits down on the edge of my bed, does dreams work with the concept of weight ? Because it feels I am being tipped against him when the bed sinks lightly under his weight.
His hand reaches up to turn on the light, but I catches his wrist. "Although this is just a dream, can we leave just it off, it will make me feel much more comfortable."
"Just a dream? Why do you think it's a dream?" His hand falls slowly down on the bed, but it turns on the way and catches my hand in his, this is clearly still a dream.
I giggle, okay we usually don't talk this much in my dreams. "Well because I think I've had this dream before and because something like this just never happens for real."
"Oh, is that so, what happens now in your dream?" Now he is chuckling, I love that sound, it is so endearing.
I shake my head and I know I am blushing. "No, I can not sit here and say that out loud".
"Why not, if it is still just a dream, then it is surely no problem." His hand caresses mine, his voice sounds as if he is enjoying himself.
There is something not right, if it was a dream wouldn't he know what will happen ? Isn't the details too sharp? I can hear him breathing, I can smell him. "Oh shit this is not a dream is it ?"
"No sweetie, I'm afraid it's not, so now that we have that in place, why did you run ? Were you turning into a pumpkin?" I can hear that he smiles.
How did he find me? "You know Cinderella was not turning into a pumpkin right ? It was her coach and shouldn't we let Disney princes rescue the princesses ?"
"Now don't get cheeky, I am as a Disney prince or OK maybe,a bit far fetched, but Loki is a prince and marvel is owned by Disney, so..." He replied teasingly.
I sigh, I owe him an explanation, but what should I say? "I was so embarrassed that I had done something like that and on top of that completely public, so I went a little into panic".
"You can say that again, I must admit, you surprised me quite a lot with the kiss, but you didn't give me a chance to react." My eyes are starting to get used to the darkness and I can see that he looks at me.
I bite my lip, well Sophia you have nothing to lose and at least no one can see me here, I say to myself. "Okay, if I had given you a chance, how would you have reacted?"
"I was hoping you'd ask." My stomach turns into the wildest knots at his word, his one hand gently takes hold of my chin and I'm no longer able to breathe, then his lips are on mine and my heart surely stops beating.
He kisses me, oh shit, I'm once again not sure if it's a dream, his mouth is just as soft and warm as it seems and he taste good, a mix of vanilla and peppermint.
I feel his tongue run along my lip and I open my mouth with a sigh, I feel like I'm on a ride on the wildest rollercoaster ever and I can hardly breathe, I didn't know a kiss could feel this good.
His tongue caresses mine and my hands are suddenly in his hair, uhh it feels as soft as it looks, the advantage of it being a bit long is that it is perfect to grip on to.
I can feel his hands on my back, he pulls me closer to him and I can't help but groan low, my head is spinning completely around.
He lets go of me and I let myself fall back on the pillow, the world have to stop turning. "Wow now I am a little happy that I ran".
"Why ?" He looks at me, it's obvious he's confused and I am about to laugh, seriously, he is actually unsure whether I liked the kiss? Whether I would have him kiss me?
I lift myself up on my elbows, my heart still beats wildly. "Because it had been fairly embarrassing if I fell over on the dance floor because I was dizzy."
"You are not like most women." He says, laughing, I'm still trying to get a grip on myself after that kiss.
I smile sweetly, he's probably right. "Well maybe not, but you are definitely not like most men."
"Thank you, I think, I choose to believe that it was meant as a compliment." He says, and I nod with a smile, of course it was.
Suddenly, I am very aware that we are alone together in my hotel room, it's practically night and I'm only wearing panties and an old tank top.
What should I say or do? Where is this going? I might as well be honest, I wouldn't say no if he wants to spend the night, but I'm too shy to offer it and what if it made him think badly of me?
He actually looks a little nervous, as if he don't quite know what to do either, hmm if he leaves I don't know if I will see him again, maybe he regrets, this is my chance to get one my greatest dream fulfilled, snuggling into his arms.
"Maybe you could stay here? just sleeping, I mean, so you don't have to go home now." I can feel I blush like crazy, but now I asked.
He looks at me as if to make sure that I really mean it. "That would be nice, if you are sure?"
I nod and move to the side, it's a pretty big bed, so he can easily fit next to me, he gets up and slowly takes off his clothes.
Yes okay I can't help staring, I hope it's not too clearly in the dim light, he is slim and has very well defined muscles without being pumped and he has a splash of ginger hair on his chest and below the navel.
When he has only his boxers on, he climbs into bed and do exactly what I dreamed about the most, he stretches his arm out so I can snuggle myself into him.
I rest my face on his shoulder, my arm over his chest, one of my legs tangled between his, his arm folds around me and I breathe in his scent, okay this is as close to heaven as you can get, I think .

What dreams may come (a Tom Hiddleston story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें