"So do you want to have the good or bad news first?"

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* Tom POV *
My sister has chased me down into the cafeteria to eat, so she can talk to Sophia, I hate to be away from her, but that's okay, I have something to talk to Alexa about.
I have found out that Sophia and Alexa lost their parents 5 years ago in a car accident, and I am impressed with Alexas strength, Sophia is the only family she has and yet she is always strong and positive when with Sophia.
"Alexa, by the way, do you know what kind of tumor it is?" I ask and crossing my fingers, I found something that might help.
Alexa nods slowly and finish the food in her mouth before she answer me. "It is a glioblastoma, why?"
"Is it checked whether it is genetically determined ?" I can feel hope rising now, perhaps there is indeed a chanse.
She looks confused at me and I explain. "I've read a bit up on it, about a third are genetically determined, they are often impervious to radiation, but there is a new vaccine, it is only on a trial basis, but the results are promising."
"Are you saying that if it is genetic then there are treatment options?" She looks at me with big eyes and I nod.
I look imploringly at her. "So I think we should get it checked, but maybe we should wait and not tell Sophia until we know whether there is a possibility".
"Yes definitely, I'll just have to get a hold of my bank, I don't think our health insurance covers, but it doesn't matter." She does, however look worried.
I gently takes her hand and squeezes it. "Alexa, do not think about money, if the health insurance will not cover it, I'll pay."
"Tom, I can not accept that." She looks up at me, but I can see the relief in her eyes.
I just shake my head and smile. "It's not up for discussion, I talk to the doctors immediately if they can check it out or we must get hold of an expert".

3 days later
* Sophia POV *
"Have you seen Tom today?" I look questioningly at my sister, I have not seen Tom much these past few days and keep getting told he is busy.
I think that he is about to pull away from me and I understand it very well, our relationship is so new, this is not what he signed up for, it is better for him to cut the ties now, less pain.
"Yes I have sis, he has been very busy, but I know that he'll be right here, he has something important to talk to you about." She looks cagey.
I think that he will tell me that it's over, but why does my sister look so happy and secretive then, I'm pretty sure that she really likes Tom.
At that moment the door is opened and he comes in, he smiles and he looks almost like himself again, being busy is obviously good for him, he's got the color back in the cheeks.
"Well I will scurry sis, I think you two want to be alone." She smiles sweetly to me, and on the way out she kisses Tom on the cheek and whispers something in his ear, before she squeezes his arm, he smiles at her and I get a strange feeling in the stomach, they are hiding something from me.
"Honey, you seem to feel better." He sits down on the bed, stroking me gently over the cheek.
I rest my head against his shoulder and he kisses me gently on the forehead, this is what I am most sorry to lose, these little loving moments.
"I have two important things to talk to you about, so do you want to have the good or bad news first?" He looks at me questioningly.
I think short of it. "The bad first, then the good might make it all right again afterwards."
"The bad news is that you've got to do something terrible to attain the good one." But he looks mostly like he is amused and maybe a little nervous.
I do not quite understand what he's talking about, what is the horrible things he talking about? "I do not quite understand Tom, what are you talking about?"
"Well I have some really good news, but to get them you must be an english citizen or married to one, and we don't really have time to apply for citizenship, so you will probably have to marry me." He looks at me questioningly.
I shake my head confused, seriously ? Was it ? "Tom, is that supposed to be a proposal ?".
"No, but this is". He grabs my hand and kisses it gently and his eyes lock in the mine, he's suddenly has a ring in his hand.
I can feel my heart beating wildly. "I'm sorry I can not really kneel before you, and I know it is extremely fast, but I love you and even before all this, I knew that I would marry you when the right time came and it happens to be now" .
"You are the most important thing in my life, you are the most beautiful and loving woman in the world, Sophia will you do me the honor to marry me?" He looks softly at me.
I know that there is a reason why it is right now he does it, but I also know he loves me and wants to marry me. "Yes Tom, more than anything else."
I feel a little bad to say yes, knowing that we might not even make it to the wedding, but it's my dream, my greatest wish, how can I say no?
He puts the ring on my finger, kissing me gently, I can see a single tear running down his cheek and I fight the tears myself.
"I hardly dare ask what the good news is if this was the bad." I look uncertain at him.
He lights up a happy smile. "We had your tumor tested and it is genetically determined, there is a new highly effective treatment, it is only on a trial basis, but I've got you in on the experiments sweetie, you can get better."
"Get better ? Treatment ?" I don't understand what he says, I have been told I'm dying, that there was nothing to do, my brain has difficulty perceiving this.
He nods and kisses me softly. "Yes, all attempts so far have shown great progress, even in phase four, some are completely cancer free now, but you will probably have to have the medication for the rest of your life."
I throw myself sobbing around his neck, he has really done all of this for me ? I was right, he is not just a man, he is so much more, he is my life.

What dreams may come (a Tom Hiddleston story)Where stories live. Discover now