"Uhh so you are saying that this was it? And it's totally okay?"

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I slowly open my eyes, hmm is it morning already? I stretch slowly, if I hadn't been so sore in my entire body, I would have thought it was just a dream, a rather kinky dream.
When I turn, I see Tom, he's still asleep, he is lying on his stomach, face turned toward me, he has a little smile lurking around his mouth and looks exceptionally inviting.
And it isn't a wonder that he is still sleeping heavily, he must be pretty exhausted, I laugh a little to myself, yeah okay that sleeping thing, it had been a little hard to get to that part.
I crawl out of bed and slip into the bathroom, I need a hot shower, it will do my sore muscles good.
Oh it feels so nice and I stand under the hot water for a long time, it's not only my muscles that are sore, seriously I think I'm going to walk a little funny today, but it was more than worth it.
I quickly pull on underwear, a pair of shorts and a tank top, before I sneak into the living-room, wondering if Mary is up yet ?
"Well good morning Sophia, did you sleep well? I am guessing no , because  didn't sleep did you?" Mary looks strictly at me, but then we both breaks down laughing together.
I smile apologetically, okay she didn't sleep obviously, not heavily enough anyway. "Whoops, I didn't mean to keep you awake."
"It's all right, I'm just happy for you, I guess you're not angry that I contacted him?" Mary asks.
I shake my head and smile rather silly. "No one can certainly say that, how did you do it?"
"He actually was seaking for you on twitter, so I simply answered him and told where to find you." I smile even more, so he had been looking for me?
Sudden Mary stares at me with big eyes and I look down myself, is there's a stain on my shirt? "What is it Mary?"
"Is that bite marks Sophia? What the hell has he been up to?" Mary look shocked.
I hurry over to the mirror, bite marks? Yeah, he had had a rather firm grasp with his teeth a few times, the memories get my heart rate to increase, but no it had to be suction marks.
When I look in the mirror I gasps, uh okay, he might have used a little more force than I observed in the heat of the moment, I have several abrasions with distinct teeth marks.
Well he had warned me, but at a time when I was not really able to make decisions, but no matter how much I try to think that it's wrong, I can't, it was absolutely amazing.
I turn towards Mary, I hope she will understand it. "Whoops, I hadn't seen that, it might have gotten a little heated."
"So it's okay with you? It just looks fairly violent, but okay, you didn't exactly sound like you had anything against his treatment last night". Mary says with a wry smile.
I can't help but blush. "Uhh no, not exactly, it was the best, wildest, hottest sex ever, so no complaints from me absolutely not."
"Yeah it sounded pretty hot, I think you entertained the whole floor and no one is in doubt about who you spend the night with neither." She says, sticking out her tongue at me.
I just laugh, luckily it's a hotel, people don't know me, I just hope no one complained.
"But now what Sophia? Do you know where you two stand?" Mary looks at me questioningly, and I feel a lump growing in my stomach.
I have no idea where we stand, we haven't actually talked about it and I don't know why I say it, I think I'm just trying to protect myself from being hurt. "I don't know anything, but I wonder if it wasn't just that, a good fuck and nothing more".
"So it's fine with you if it is nothing more than that?" Mary look very skeptically at me, I don't think she buys it completely.
Of course I'm not, both because I want so much more and because I am not the type who usually does something like this. "No, of course not, but I dare not expect anything from him."
"Well, I am off to take a shower". Mary slips into her own room, I'm glad that we chose a suite with two bedrooms and two bathrooms.
When I'm alone I start to panic a little, what do I really want ? To put it shortly, yes then I am ready to be his, hell I bear his children if he asks, but I know too well, that it isn't how the real world works.
I know he's in the middle of shootings in Canada and probably has to be back one of these days, I don't know for how long, and in just under 6 weeks, I return to Denmark, there is a world between us then.
Besides, I'm just me, apparently he finds me interesting enough if only for one night, I still don't know whether he wants more than that.
But would I care for the attention? Could I deal with people online, writing that I am not good enough for him, maybe even write ugly things to me, I know it happens and I am sure that nobody will see me as good enough.
The door to my room opens and he comes out, his shirt hanging outside the pants, tie sticking out of his pocket and his jacket over his arm, the hair is a total mess and he looks absolutely irresistible to me.
"Good morning Sophia". He looks a little uncertainly at me and my heart is sinking, he is probably looking for a way to escape.
I bite my lip, I won't act desperate, what should I do? What should I say ? "Good morning Tom".
"I uh, I usually don't do this." He looks a little desperate at me, and I can see he is about to say something more.
That's it, he usually doesn't do this, as in have a one night stand, I don't want to hear the next part, so I hasten to say. "It's okay, don't think about it, I expect nothing from you."
"Uhh so you are saying that this was it? And it's totally okay?" He looks confused, he had probably expected that I would beg, but I'm forced to close down and not show my feelings.
I look down at the floor and keep my face neutral, what did I expect? "Yes it's perfectly okay, it was just sex right?"
"Yeah just sex, well then I'll better slip away, goodbye Sophia". He kisses me on the cheek and then walk out the door and out of my life.
I sink to the floor and holds myself, I tell myself I have to be grateful for the night, but inside I feel myself go to pieces.

What dreams may come (a Tom Hiddleston story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora