"Yes, I'm okay now, just had to catch my breath"

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* Tom POV *
I can feel I'm about to wake again, I don't really want to wake up, I am afraid that there will be bad news.
But it is as if something is driving me, something tells me that I can not just lie here and let time run out, maybe the doctors in Denmark has abandoned her, but what if there are opportunities here in London or maybe the States, I gladly pay if there is something to do.
I open my eyes, I need a computer, I have to do some research, the sooner the better.
When I sit up, I get a bit dizzy and I have to grab the edge of the bed, a hand grabs my shoulder. "Woow there, slow down now, gently."
For a moment I think it's Sophia, she looks so much like her, but then I notice that the hair is lighter and the eyes are blue, it must be her sister. "Thank you, uh hello you must be Alexa".
"Yes, I'm glad to finally meet you Tom". She gives me a little awkward hug because of the bed and the wires on my chest.
I try to smile, I'm glad to meet her. "You too, is there anything new? You must at least have been told everything and been allowed to see her."
"Now you have to promise not to run of without thinking, but I've made sure you will have free access to visit her and to be told if there is a change." She looks at me sternly.
Okay, I've never been the patient type, and I quickly rips the gauges of my chest, causing both the machine and me to scream, I will certainly never get my chest waxed, and I don't even have that much hair, fuck it hurt and now I have two totally bare spots where the meters were sitting.
"Tom damn it, I said not to do that, you shouldn't risk your health ?" She looks at me and shakes her head in despair, but I can see a warm smile lurking just behind the scolding.
I can't answer before a doctor and two nurses come rushing in, followed by my mother and sister, they all stop staring bewildered at me.
"I would like to go down to see Sophia now." The doctor clearly wanted to protest, but my sister knows me and she comes over quickly.
"Obviously sweetie, let me find a shirt for you? And then we get them to come with a wheelchair okay?" She looks strictly at me.
I sigh resignedly. "Emma I can very well walk, there is nothing wrong with my legs."
But when I try to stand up to prove it, my legs collapses under me and I have to sit down again. "Okay maybe not then".
"You've got to learn to relax sweetie, here let me find you a shirt." My sister laughs at me and go to get a T-shirt from bag which she has been home at my place and packed.
I pull it quickly over my head and flips my foot impatiently until Ben comes with a wheelchair.
With a hand on his shoulder I manage to get over in it, but I feel like an idiot, nothing is really wrong with me, I'm just tired and exhausted after the last two days.
Alexa offers to push me since the others can not come with down to her room, the doctor saying it was a stretch letting me go.
"I can certainly understand you hate this, but look at the bright side, you get to see Sophia." She squeezes my shoulder gently.
I sigh and nod, knowing she is right. "You certainly are right, I should not complain, I've even brought myself in this situation."
"I think we all understand your reaction, it must have been something of a shock, I'm sorry you have to go through this." She says softly.
I lay my hand on top of hers and squeezes it. "Thank you, but it's okay, I would not trade the last couple of weeks for anything in the world."
When I see Sophia, so fragile and pale with hoses and gauges everywhere, I feel the panic come back and the lack of oxygen, but I close my eyes, no I can't collapse again, not here in front of Sophia, she needs me to be strong, to fight for her.
"Are you OK Tom, you got so pale suddenly." Alexa has is squatting beside me and gripping my hand, she looks very worried.
I breathe deeply a few times. "Yes, I'm okay now, just had to catch my breath."
"Well, I was worried for a moment, you looked as if you were about to have a panic attack and we can't have that can we now ?" She smiles at me.
Then she pushes me over to Sophia's bed, patting me gently on the shoulder before she leaves the room.
I gently take Sophia's hand. "Hey beautiful, sorry I've taken so long to get by to see you, the doctors would not let me, but now I'm here, so we just need you present to".

What dreams may come (a Tom Hiddleston story)Where stories live. Discover now