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* Tom POV *
"Are you ready sweetheart?" I look at Sophia, it's time for her check up and next dosis medicine and we are on the way out the door.
She nods and smiles at me, but I can see the nervousness, she has been at home for three weeks now and she seems healthy and happy but she did that before the attack to, it can be deceiving, I know that, and I don't dare get my hopes up.
We have been told that there will be progress if the medicine works, how much is hard to say, it depends on how well it will work for her.
Of course I'm nervous and uncertain, but something deep inside me tells me that this stuff works, as an inner voice that calms me and I choose to believe it, because otherwise I would be a wreck.
We have so far managed to hold our wedding secret, Sophia does not need other concerns right now, so I hope we can keep it hidden until she is feeling better by then I will gladly show her of to the world, I couldn't be more proud to call her my wife.
When we arrive at the hospital we will are brought down to the large scanner, they will do the scan first to check how it looks.
"Do not worry honey, I am here when you come out again, believe in it promise me that." I gently squeezes her hand and sends her the most reassuring smile I can manage.
She looks up at me and smiles. "I trust you my darling, when you say it works, then I believe in it, I always believe in you".
It warms me that she relies so much on me, but it also makes me hope even more that it is successful, otherwise I will feel that I have lied to her, that I have let her down.
I have been allowed to participate inside the room where the pictures come in and follow what the doctors see, I am too impatient to wait for answers.

* Sophia POV *
I come out of the machine and as soon as I'm out Tom almost pulls me up in his arms and hugs me so hard I can barely breathe.
"Relax now darling, I will be crushed if you don't release me." I say with a small laugh, although I actually do not mind it, I love his hugs.
He looks at me, tears flowing down his cheeks, but I can see on his face that he is not upset, he's happy, more than happy, he's exstatic.
"Sophia, it works, it really works, the tumor is already about 20% less, the doctors believe that it will disappear completely after a few treatments." He grasps my face and kisses me.
I oppresses my sobbing, it is hard to believe that 3 months ago I was ready to say goodbye to life without ever having met the only man I've ever really loved.
But now I'm here, heading towards a future and married to the most amazing man in the world, which I know will do everything for me, I can not ask for any more than that.

What dreams may come (a Tom Hiddleston story)Where stories live. Discover now