"If I just have you I don't need anything else in the world"

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*Sophia POV*
"And you may kiss the bride." The priest says and Tom kisses me warm and lovingly, I look at him and see tears streaming down his cheeks, I brush them away with a finger, making him chuckle and brush my own tears away with his thumb.
But it isn't like we are the only one with moist eyes, I think everyone presents has wet cheaks by now, even the priest pinches a tear.
It has only been two days since the proposal, but if I want to start with the medication I need to be married, so it takes place in my hospital room, with Mary, Alexa, Luke, Ben, Emma and Tom's mother as witnesses.
"I promise you we have a huge wedding, everything you ever dreamt of, when you are healthy enough for it." Tom whispers softly in my ear.
This might not be the kind of wedding girls dream of, but for me, being alive, actually having a chance and being married to the only man on the planet I ever really has desired, well I am not complaining about the details.
I kiss him, my husband, I think smiling like a fool, it is simply not easy to understand that he is really mine. "We don't have to, if I just have you I don't need anything else in the world".
Emma has brought me a bouquet of beautiful pale pink roses and a veil, so I can feel a little like a bride and she has forced Tom into his tuxedo, although he says he feels stupid when everyone else is in their everyday clothes, but he looks so absolutely handsome I just want to cry again.
"I love you, and I'm going to give you the most beautiful wedding ever, and I don't want an argument, so please let me have my fun". He whispers softly in my ear.
I snuggles myself into him and kisses him just below the ear before I whisper back. "I love you too, now and forever".
Everyone comes over and hugs us and say congratulations and Tom has to wipe tears away from his eyes again, I can't help smiling, I love seeing him this sensitive and emotional.

* Tom POV *
Today, the day after the wedding, Sophia gets her first dose of medication, I truly hope it will work, it has to work, I can't even entertain the idea of her not getting better, she has to stay with me.
We have kept the wedding a secret, I know I will get my ears full from this, I mean Marrying like this in secret without officially dating my wife first, the tabloids will have a field day and the fans probably a heart attack, but I don't care, this is my life.
An I know I have made the right choice, Sophia is the one for me, my other half and I know she is not just going to leave me, not if she can help it in any way stay.
I'm there holding her hand when she gets the injections, I pray a silent prayer for the medicine to find its way to the diseased cells and kill them, to make her better as soon as possible.
She can soon be allowed to go home, home to our house, our home, were we are hopefully going to have many years to come.
There is nothing more the hospital can do, she gets four syringes now and then again in about a month, there will also be a scan then to see if there is improvement.

* Alexa POV *
"Remember to call me often sis and keep me updated." I hug my little sister, I'm going home to Denmark today, I can't stay any longer away from work, it's hard to leave, but I know she's in good hands, she has the best husband she could ever get.
She smiles happy at me. "Don't worry sis, I'll keep you updated with everything, I promise."
Mary and Sophia hugs too, Mary Is going home with me, there is no reason for her to stay any longer either, she also have her own life to,get back to.
"Take care of my sister?" I hug Tom, he's really something special, my sister was right, she saw it even from a distance and I know he takes good care of her.
He smiles warmly and kisses me on the cheek. "I promise you, I will do everything to make her better and keep her happy and comfortable."
"I know". I say before Mary and I wave and slips out from the hospital room, we go past the hotel on the way after our luggage, Luke is nice to drive us.
I really hope that this works, I have promised Tom I'll be sending a prayer and positive every night, not that I'm religious, but I know that it means a lot to him and to my sister, so I will do it.
I really hope that this won't be the last time I see my sister, hoping that I can get to keep her against all odds, she's after all the only family I have.

What dreams may come (a Tom Hiddleston story)Where stories live. Discover now