Chapter Twenty

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Jake's P.O.V

"Because you seem to have my baby girl wrapped around your finger."

I smile and look down at Meghan who is clenching her jaw. An idea floods into my head and before I can even think about it, my lips crash onto Meghan's.

God, her lips are so soft, I think to myself. My grip on Meghan's waist softens and Meghan let's go of my collar, wrapping her arms around my neck. She pulls me closer to her and I can't help but smile against her lips.

I've been wanting to do this for a long time but I still don't understand why it had to take Drake and Evie to threaten me to do this. I mean, I am a big boy, I should be able to kiss the girl I like without thinking.

Drake's words flood into my head and I immediately pull away, watching as Meghan looks up at me with her eyes wide, full of shock.

"Just kiss her and then she will want to be closer with you. You'll get her trust back, I know it. Then, use that to your advantage and find out what we need." Drake says to me an I let out a sigh before hanging up the phone.

"I-I'm sorry, Meghan. I didn't mean to--" Before I can finish my apology, Meghan's lips return to mine and I can't help but get sucked in.

I have messed up so bad and she doesn't even know it...

Meghan's tongue swipes out to lick my lips but before we can go any further, I know I have to push her away. I pull away from Meghan and stare down at her, her green eyes lightening up with something that I haven't seen before.

"Why'd you stop?" Meghan asks, her voice quiet and soft. I let out a sigh and grab her hand, pulling her towards the back door that I left open for Meghan when she came back.

"Let's go inside." I say, pushing the back door open and when Meghan is inside, I close the door quietly and begin to walk towards the stairs, Meghan's hand still in mine.

We walk up the stairs, taking our time in case we accidentally wake up my mom. If we did wake up my mom, I'm pretty sure I would be running for the hills. I would not be ready for a million questions thrown at me in less than a minute and I'm sure Meghan wouldn't want that either.

When we reach the top of the stairs, I let go of her hand. Before I can say goodnight, Meghan grabs onto my arm, stopping me from saying or doing anything. I frown down at Meghan and she sighs.

"Can I sleep with you?" Meghan asks and I feel my cheeks heat up. Meghan rubs her forehead and shakes her head, waving me off. "I didn't mean it like that, Jakie."

Jakie, I think to myself. If she is calling me that again, she must not be angry at me anymore. I mean, I wouldn't be able to have Meghan hate me. We live in the same house and we would be bumping into each other a lot and that would be awkward.

The kiss must've worked, my brain says and I hold myself back from kissing Meghan again. Most people would think that I haven't kissed anyone before... and well, I guess you can say that it is true.

I lost my first kiss to the bad girl. How cliché.

"Uh, I guess..." I mumble and Meghan smiles, beginning to pull me towards my room. We enter my room and I walk over to turn the lamp on so I don't have to turn on the really bright light. It's too early in the morning for that.

I sit on my bed and take my shoes off. I look up to see Meghan holding her file in her hand and I can't help but bite my lip.

She had it with her this whole time?

Meghan places it on the table beside the wardrobe and unzips her leather jacket. She opens her pocket and takes out a photo. I don't know what photo but I'm pretty sure it is one of the photos from her file and it looks like she is keeping it.

When I realise that Meghan is stripping from her clothes, I immediately look away, throwing my shoes off of my feet and placing them under my bed. Since I usually sleep in my boxers, I take off my shirt and begin to take of my sweatpants but before I can actually do that, I notice Meghan looking over at me with a small smirk on her lips.

"Stripping for me?" Meghan asks, her eyebrow raises and I can't help but blush at her words.

God, if only I could actually control this blushing...

I don't reply and when Meghan turns to actually give me a little privacy, knowing that I am slightly uncomfortable with a girl watching me take off my pants, I quickly take them off and throw them to the side, leaving me in my boxers.

I get under the covers and let out a sigh, placing my arms behind my head as my eyes fall shut. I know Meghan is currently up to taking off her pants so I don't look, giving Meghan some privacy just like she did with me. When I feel the bed dip, I open my eyes and look over at Meghan who is on her knees, reaching up to grab the hair tie out of her hair. When I find myself looking at Meghan's body, which is only covered by her red undergarments, I can't help but blush some more, not looking any further than her belly button.

Wow, today seems to be a first for everything.

Once Meghan has taken the hair tie out, she places it on her wrist and shakes her head slightly. Meghan raises the cover and gets underneath, beginning to get comfortable. I close my eyes but nearly jump when I feel Meghan's leg wrap around mine.

My eyes shoot open and I look down at Meghan who is resting her head on my chest, her hand beside her head and I can't help but smile at how innocent she looks. Her eyes are closed and her lips are parted, breathing in and out softly. I smile and bring my arm around, wrapping my arm around Meghan's waist, her warm body making my skin suddenly feel like it is on fire.

When I notice a small grin appear on Meghan's lips, I can't help but let my smile widen. "Goodnight Meghan." I whisper and Meghan responds by placing a small kiss on my chest, taking me by surprise. Although, I don't do anything instead close my eyes and let sleep take over.


A/N - Short chapter but that is only because I want the next chapter to be in Meghan's P.O.V. Comment if your loving the book so far!


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